How should I kill my roommate?

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Here's an idea. Next time he asks to check his email from your computer, tell him to go fuck himself. Suggest that he get some much needed exercise and walk his stinky ass to the library so he can use that computer. You gotta rule with the Iron Fist man. Don't let those kinda people use you.
burn all his wrestling shit...or throw it out on campus...or better yet kick him in the nuts and tell him "NO" bad bitch! haha
You could always forcibly implant his D&D handbooks in his forehead.

Might be messy after the 2nd or 3rd implant, but it'll work eventually.
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Jul 22 2005, 03:41 PM
You could always forcibly implant his D&D handbooks in his forehead.

Might be messy after the 2nd or 3rd implant, but it'll work eventually.
[post=529959]Quoted post[/post]​

well, if thats the case, you could just tell him that Snape kills Dumbledore and let the poor kid kill himselft.

You Bitch

end result = Hanged
I would change your settings so that you have to hold CTRL to allow popups. Next, I would change your cookie settings so that you don't allow any third party cookies etc. Administrator lock all of the settings so that he can't do shit but check his email under his login name.

I betcha Cal could help you annoy him off of your computer. Make something stick to the desktop that won't leave, like gay porn, or David Hasselhoff singing in the background. That will make him hurry up and check his email!!!!! Remember, it should only be active under his login.

Help me out CAL!
yeah... i walked in my dorm this past semester and found porn on my laptop.. ran adaware and norton and some toher shit... then i went to a few sites i knew that would infect his computer and turned off all his antivirus shit and software yeah he had to buy a new HD and he was like aww wtf blah blah, i just chuckled quietly.... i still dislike him still even tho we hang out some...
download hijack this! and scan. download adaware. download the cleaner
smelly kids get a bucket of soapy water poored on them as they sleep. ive done it, they bitch but begin showering regularly.

i would never allow anyone to use my comp, so i have no one to blame when shit fucks up.( and since i got this laptop last august, it hasnt)

i roomed with a kid from high school. my mom was like you have to meet new people, but she agreed with me when i said i dont want to be roomed with a gay kid(nothing against it, but i dont want to walk in on that). plus i knew this kid would leave if i needed the room, and vice versa.
Originally posted by asmallsol@Jul 22 2005, 01:56 AM
Bah, that nothing compared to my roomates last year. First semester, I had 2. Both were into dungen and Dragons. Finally one moved out, the other one that sucked more stayed. He go days without showering, told me that he doesn't use soap in the shower, nor brushes his teeth on a normal basis (like once a week if that) would what gay anime shit ALL the time, and when ever there was anything that he thought was funny, he would like scream laugh, and if there was some kind of sexual inuendo (or even if there wasn't be he would interpert it that way) he would YELL "oohh thats sick. Thats just wrong" Even when I was either trying to sleep or do homework. He would sleep ALL the time, and when he woke up really late, he would say "oh I didn't have time to take a shower today" and smell up the room some more. When I told him that he had to shower more and he stank like sweaty ass, he went to the store and bought glade plugins. He would never go to class, and then when it came close to the test, he would bug the shit out of me since I had aced the classes last semester that he was taking now and would ask a million questions, when everyone could be solved if he open the book and read the first page. He also had like 2 terabites of stupid anime and dvd's on his like 6 hard drives, and that is all he would talk about it. On top of that, he over clocked his POS processor big time, and didn't have proper cooling for it, so ever once in a while when I was trying to sleep, his alarm for his computer would sound. Fucking annoying as hell.

This girl that I knew had her roomate commit suicide and for the rest of the semester, she never had to do anything because she was basicly given an umbrella from school work for that term. After hearing about this, I quickly researched ways on ways to ummm...get good grades. I figured, my roomate was a fucking fat ass (like easily 250-300 or so and thats with never drinking in his life) and he would always eat horrible (I guess salt was really bad for him but he would always eat 3or so bowls of roman noodles a day) never exercise, looked like he ran a marathon after walking up the stairs to our floor (2 flights of stairs. So hard). Odds were in my favor that semester. He was always one step away from kealing over due to an early heart attack.
[post=529736]Quoted post[/post]​

:lol: i remember you talk9ing about both of those a long time ago
ok, thread deraied, back on track-- the main file is a hookdump.exe file, it's in the system32 files, adaware dosen't find it, Norton finds it but can't repair/delete it. Any ideas?
DAMN!!! My condolense to those whom room with fucktards and fatards who smell like my anus.

Anyway, to get rid of that stuff try running spybot, lavasoft, and then hijackthis. Hijackthis is a program where it gets a log of stuff and you post it on a forum. Then admins or whomever help you get rid of whatever is illing you. And to get rid of you roommate, say Hulk Hogan sucks and drop kick him in the face!!!

Good luck!

PS Schools have access to computers, so tell him to bend over and suck his own dick. USE THE ON CAMPUS CPU!
Ok, somewhere along the line, shit got mixed up...We live in a 3 bedroom HOUSE nowhere near a campus, lol. I ran a program called Spyware Doctor that found everything and fixed it. Got it from, highly recommended. As for the roommate, he got an upper deck last night. Let's see how long it takes him to realize it.
Originally posted by Havok@Jul 23 2005, 09:34 AM
Ok, somewhere along the line, shit got mixed up...We live in a 3 bedroom HOUSE nowhere near a campus, lol. I ran a program called Spyware Doctor that found everything and fixed it. Got it from, highly recommended. As for the roommate, he got an upper deck last night. Let's see how long it takes him to realize it.
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Still run Hijack This! and post it on the forum. You may still have keys in the registery that will keep re-installing and running spyware. I've never seen a program, even spyware doctor, ad aware, spybot, or spysweeper be able to check the registery like hijack this!
Originally posted by corvetteguy@Jul 22 2005, 12:32 PM
In the Library, with a candlestick
[post=529865]Quoted post[/post]​


Whats with the wrestling shit anyway? A bunch of muscle bound iddiots getting sweaty and rubbing all over eachother. Sure they get rich doing it.. but wtf.. its pointless. Its like a soap opera for fucktards™.

If you wanna watch people beat the hell out of eachother watch UFC! (ultimate fighting championship) Go to hastings and rent like 1-6.. OMFG.. Blood, guts, broken bones.. they actually try to kill eachother.. really, no play shit. The stuff that is on tv today is sissy shit compared to what it used to be.
Originally posted by phyregod+Jul 23 2005, 11:34 AM-->
@Jul 22 2005, 12:32 PM
In the Library, with a candlestick
[post=529865]Quoted post[/post]​


Whats with the wrestling shit anyway? A bunch of muscle bound iddiots getting sweaty and rubbing all over eachother. Sure they get rich doing it.. but wtf.. its pointless. Its like a soap opera for fucktards™.

If you wanna watch people beat the hell out of eachother watch UFC! (ultimate fighting championship) Go to hastings and rent like 1-6.. OMFG.. Blood, guts, broken bones.. they actually try to kill eachother.. really, no play shit. The stuff that is on tv today is sissy shit compared to what it used to be.
[post=530141]Quoted post[/post]​

hell yea. ufc, pride, and even k1 can get intense. i like watching guys actually try to hurt each other rather than throw a pussy ass punch and stomp on a mat.