Just dodged a total nightmare, Pulled over for Street Racing..

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Well, on my way home from Mrs. Phyre's company christmas party (Alone, in the CRX), I was being a dumb ass.. Took off from a stop light, some guy in a truck decided he wanted to race me. So I bit.. Tore his doors off and ran it up to 40ish (the speed limit) and backed off.. He went speeding past me and off into the night. I see another car whip out into the street about a block behind me like a crazy bastard. I think "Oh great, I've attracted some ricer idiot.." Then the ricer idiot popped the cherries.. It was a fucking cop!

Of course, I'm the one that got pulled over. So I found a side road, parked, whipped out my driver's license and insurance and waited.. Cop came up all crazy, swinging nuts
"For being an idiot?"
"Yes sir"
"I only ran him up to the speed limit then backed off.. You saw it.."

So I hand it over, he storms back to his cruiser.. I start txting Mrs Phyre, preparing to go to jail. It was 100% certain at that point. So I get to sit there for 10 minutes pondering which bondsman to call, how work was going to handle me showing up 6 hours late after making bail, my license of course being taken away (CDL too, which is how I make a fucking living) Impounding the car isn't a huge deal, unless they decide to make an example out of me and crush it.. That would suck.. Insurance will go through the roof for 3 years.. I can probably fight it in court and get off decently easy.. Will still be out a few thousand even if I do.. Fuck.

Then the cop comes back to the window:
"Yes sir"
"Yes sir"
"No sir, was too busy being an idiot"
"HERE!"(Throws my license in and insurance in my window at me) "WE ARE NEVER HAVING THIS CONVERSATION AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME?? NEVER AGAIN!!"
"Yes sir.... (I'm totally fucking shocked beyond belief at this point) Thank yo.."
DON'T THANK ME, JUST.... (Storms away, didn't finish the sentence..)

So I sat there for a moment.. Still in total shock wondering If I'm misunderstanding the situation and am under arrest.. and he is just waiting for backup.. I'm a pretty big guy, much bigger than the cop was.. So I'm still convinced that I'm headed off to jail and he is waiting for the brute squad. Then he turns off the lights, spot light, pulls out, and drives away.

Holy fucking shit. Not even a written warning. Nothing. NOTHING!! I don't know how the hell I got so damn lucky. I'm totally blown away.

Moral of the story is, don't be a fucktard, boys and girls.
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I watched a guy run a stop light, wasn't even paying attention. There was a cop coming up behind him in a cruiser with the lights on, he pulls over, the cop gets out, runs up to the car,
Cop runs back to his car, speeds off with his lights still on. He must have already been heading somewhere.
:withstupid: Hows he to know you weren't trying to get up to the legal speed quickly? I have a habit of getting up to 65 as quickly as possible getting on the freeway. I guess if you were audibly spinning the tires it gives him cause to pull you over. If the truck kept speeding off why didn't he go after him?
eh, the thing about street racing, at least here, they cant actually arrest or ticket you for street racing unless they pull over both vehicles.

plus, you didnt speed, you backed off on the speed limit, the only thing he could have ticketed you for was taking off too fast, even then, he wouldnt have much to stand on.
I am pretty sure in Washington you can get busted for racing from point to point as a timed compotition. The way I understand it is if someone is next to me going down the main drag at the speed limit you can still be busted.

anyway you got off damn lucky and its a good thing you where not toasted.
Idiot only has 1d in it,I'm sorry. it just bugged me.
Fixed.. I'm still jittery. I thought it looked off, firefox told me it was off, and I still fucked it up.

Anyway, 2 motorcycles were recently pulled over for racing on the same road. Both went to jail, bikes impounded, Names and pictures plastered on the front page of the news paper the next day.. and the way the story read, they will not be getting the bikes back.. Of course, they were doing 90+..

I live in a small town (30,000) full of hicks and old people. Getting caught racing is a big deal when it happens..

Technicalities aside, he could have hit me with exhibition of speed and maybe reckless driving.. Even without the racing charge. And the town is corrupt as hell, the judge would have seen "racing" and tried to order me beheaded. That is the way they roll.
wow you got lucky as hell! i just got collared for racing a few months ago, and i lost my license for a year
at best, you would be nailed for 'improper start' or some other BS. he knew he had nothing on you which is why he didn't give you anything.

I guess i don't know why he didn't go after the truck who obviously broke the speed limit...

oh well, either way, good dodge.
You did get lucky.

About two years ago I did the same thing. I raced a guy in a Ford Falcon. I took off from the light like a bat out of hell and grabbed second gear and let off (puts me at ~35 mph) slowed down because the next light was red. I saw two cops pull up behind me, one behind another. The Falcon and I were lined up with no cars in front of us at the light, side by side. Falcon lights up the tires, and turns the corner. IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING COPS. Light turns green, they both stay behind me and turn the lights on. I pull over, and here's the conversation:
Officer: Give me one reason why I shouldn't impound your car and put you in jail for racing.
Me: I know I shouldn't have been racing.
Officer: You're damn right you shouldn't have. License and registration please.
Me: Okay. (and I hand it over)
after about 10 minutes in the car, he returns ticket in hand
Officer: I'm gonna give you a break tonight, I paced you going faster than the speed I wrote down but I'm trying to help you out.
I look at the ticket, and it says 60 in a 35. I'm thinking "WTF!? I barely shifted into fucking second gear!? I was doing maybe 40."
Me: Umm, can I ask how you got this speed, sir?
Officer: I paced you. I pulled out and came up behind you while you were stopped.
Me: I was stopped thou...
Officer (cutting me off mid sentence): Look, if you want to fight this, you can do it in court.
Me: Okay, thanks.
Officer: And if you want to be a little asshole about it, I can write you up for racing too!
Me: I wasn't being rude, I just know I wasn't going that fast, not even close.
Officer: Alright, step out of your vehicle and give me your license and registration again.
Me: Okay.
So I get out of the car and I'm immediately put in handcuffs.
Officer: You're under arrest for street racing, and your car will be impounded.
Me: Right (getting pissed off now)
They put me in the back of the cop car and call my parents down. I later have to apologize for "being an asshole" to the cop. He told my parents that I was disrespectful. What a fucking joke. I hired a lawyer and the ticket was completely removed from my record. It scared the living shit out of me though.

Didn't mean for this to be so long, but yeah man you got lucky..
Not bad. I had a similar situation when I was 17.

I've also admitted to being an idiot before and gotten off for it.

Or how about the time my friend was driving my drunk ass home in my car. He gets pulled over. He had given up alcohol for lent. Cop was mad it wasn't a DUI situation. But he laughed his ass off when I hiccuped and asked "What's the officer, problem?"
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wait wait wait, was it Killeen cops? and if so what the hell?!?!?!
I've NEVER seen a killeen cop just let someone drive away for something like that.. let alone anything...
Just so everyone here is aware, it IS illegal to get up to the speed limit as quickly as possible. It has different names depending on where you are, such as: Unlawful use of power, reckless acceleration, etc. You can't just cruise around neighborhood streets doing 2 second 0-40 runs all night and be like "what...I didn't go over the speed limit occifer?"
in flower mound,tx this same thing happend to me a few months back. he had me on a curb for about an hour called for back up and everything. i was nice and respectfull ofcourse......no need in pissing him off anymore than he already is. but all said and done he wrote me a tickit for expired tags and driving at an unsafe rate of speed. $300 bucks and its not on my record. but the shitty part was my tags were not even out. he told me "hey, i like fast cars too. if i would have ran into you on a back road some where where there was no traffic i probly wouldnt be writing you these tickits,and your lucky i am not taking you to jail." he gave me a feild sobritey test and everything. one of the other cops had to calm him down he was pissed! same moral.......... dont be a jackass......
I totally blew the cop to get away.

Fixed ^_^

i've been pulled over for racing. against a black dude in an svx. we didn't chirp the tires, didn't break the speed limit, pulled into 7 eleven 2 blocks after the light. totally wasn't racing.

cop pulled us over. i told him we were under 35mph and didn't chirp. gave him my license and military id. he let me go. dunno what happened to the brother.
Phyr, I got pulled over and went through the whole DL/Reg/Ins. thing, and the cop cut me a break even though I was clearly in the wrong with what I had done. He explained to me it was because of the CDL endorsement. He said he cut me a break and he would strongly advise I don't be so ignorant so I don't have to worry about losing my license/risking my job. Maybe that endorsement on there kept you from getting something worse.
@ phyre,

I had almost the exact same thing happen on a near miss DUI in nyc.

Being told to go the fuck home never felt so good.