Random Celerity Thought Generator

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Is there a such job as freelance harpooner? Just someone on call who is an expert at harpooning strange, monstrous, and exotic creatures like narwhals, or Sasquatch or zombies. That would be a fantastic job. Freelance, globe-trotting harpooner of things.
Is there a such job as freelance harpooner? Just someone on call who is an expert at harpooning strange, monstrous, and exotic creatures like narwhals, or Sasquatch or zombies. That would be a fantastic job. Freelance, globe-trotting harpooner of things.

you need to be careful with a job title and description like that.... could find yourself being a wandering designated wingman, traveling from bar to bar, "jumping on grenades", "taking one for the team", "harpooning strange, monstrous, and exotic creatures like narwhals, or Sasquatch or zombies."

might not be as glamorous as it first sounded on paper
you need to be careful with a job title and description like that.... could find yourself being a wandering designated wingman, traveling from bar to bar, "jumping on grenades", "taking one for the team", "harpooning strange, monstrous, and exotic creatures like narwhals, or Sasquatch or zombies."

might not be as glamorous as it first sounded on paper

Very sound advice here.
ooh, plagiarism....
i was searching to see if things in here would return results on google
(to be fair, i was searching to see if google found this thread because i was also intending to plagiarize this as well, including E's line, lol)

very funny nonetheless

and found this :(

Is there a such job as freelance harpooner? Just someone on call who is an expert at harpooning strange, monstrous, and exotic creatures like narwhales, or Sasquatch or zombies. That would be a fantastic job. Freelance, globe-trotting harpooner of things. Granted, it's not as grand a vision as being a rich oil baron who eats steak in his own personal bowling alley, or as globally important as being the tech support guy for POTUS’s “nuclear football” but it's still pretty damned good. Less good? These six stereotypical "guy jobs" selected by the folks at wallstreetfighter.com, who inadvertently reveal a deep truth that the Peter Pan books never touched on: Childhood fantasies don't pay very well.
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I'm disappointed...you tried to pawn that off on us like it was yours...such blatant disregard lol
Lol, I saw it, thought it was funny as hell, and posted it. I was googling "harpoon"

That was a striaght copy/paste.. I suppose I should have put it in quotes or something.. I read it and thought, "that'll go well in the random thought generator".. So yeah... Credit to that guy, whoever the hell it was.
haha the first thing i thought of when i read the whole harpooner thing was someone wanted a job killing fat girls lol. i want in on that job.
Lol, I saw it, thought it was funny as hell, and posted it. I was googling "harpoon"

That was a striaght copy/paste.. I suppose I should have put it in quotes or something.. I read it and thought, "that'll go well in the random thought generator".. So yeah... Credit to that guy, whoever the hell it was.

we are going to need a video speech of you apologizing.
otherwise, you dont mean it. lol.

it was funny... does it really matter where it came from???
It's funnier to e-crucify him for a triviality that we all do.

That being said, has google made plagiarism more difficult? I know in High School I plagiarized the shit out of papers. Do college professors run student papers through google to check for plagiarists?
no it doesnt really matter.
but, its a bit more fun to do as klyph said and e-crucify him.

gives us something to do.
I will not be e-crucified. I will raise my legion of zombie narwhals against anyone who opposes me. I have built a fortress using lolcats as mortar, and I have a vicious wharrgarbl hound at the gate. Bring it on.
I had an awesome thought to add to the thought generator, but I've completely forgotten it this morning. :confused: