Random Celerity Thought Generator

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Yes college teachers do use google. At least the ones I have had.
Yes college teachers do use google. At least the ones I have had.

An instructor of mine googled some phrases in a paper of mine, only to find them on a website on google that had the entire paper I wrote.

Unfortunately she didn't check the owner of the website before she turned me into the university administration. They weren't pleased when she wasted all of their time by almost expelling and voiding my transcripts when I proved that I owned the website.
It's funnier to e-crucify him for a triviality that we all do.

That being said, has google made plagiarism more difficult? I know in High School I plagiarized the shit out of papers. Do college professors run student papers through google to check for plagiarists?

there are actually some programs i had teachers use. They run your entire paper through the internetz, and if more than something like 60% of your phrases, or something like that, matched others online. she would fail you.
I had to wake up at 4am to take the wife to the airport, wait 3 hours because I can't go back to sleep, then go to work. I just KNEW today was going to suck.
Now that I am halfway through it, today has been quite nice, I'm not tired, and I'm actually kind of cheerful.

Then I realized I had bacon for breakfast.
On the other hand, it might be due to the fact that the wife and kid will be out of town for 2 weeks.

lmao... wow... bacon doing the "cabbage patch"

im not too sure how to feel about that
I'm sick (16 hours of flying this weekend). My sinuses are clear but my voice is all messed up. Only it's messed up in such a way that it's making it way more baritone than normal. I sound like Don LaFontaine, the movie trailer guy. :D
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As annoying as the sore throat is, some chicks dig the baratone. Ive answered the phone while sick or half asleep at times and gotte "well hellooooooooooooo..." as their response. lol
Why the fricking hell did mosquitoes evolve venom? How can it be evolutionarily beneficial to poison and annoy the creature you derive sustenance from? If mosquitoes didn't cause itching and simply took a drop or two of blood from you with no ill effect, no one would care.

I'm itchy.
My Dad had a dream about a recipe yesterday: thin strips of steak, wrapped in bacon, on a skewer. Cooked on the grill with salt and fresh ground pepper.

He went out and bought everything and fired up the grill just now... AWESOMEIST KABOBS EVAR
As I was sitting in the salon this evening drinking a glass or 3 of wine and getting a pedi, I randomly turned to my friend and asked her this question:

Who copyrighted the copyright symbol?

Anyone know?
You would trademark a symbol, not copyright it.

The MTYWTK (More Than You Wanted To Know) version shows that it just might be in the public domain by now:

Wikipedia said:
The earliest recorded historical case-law on copyright, and hence the concept of copyright, comes from ancient Ireland. The Cathach is the oldest extant Irish manuscript of the Psalter and the earliest example of Irish writing. It contains a Vulgate version of Psalms XXX to CV with an interpretative rubric or heading before each psalm. It is traditionally ascribed to St. Columba as the copy, made at night in haste by a miraculous light, of a Psalter lent to Columba by St. Finnian. A dispute arose about the ownership of the copy and King Diarmait Mac Cerbhaill gave the judgement "To every cow belongs her calf, therefore to every book belongs its copy". The arbitration failed and the Psalter of St. Columba passed into the hands of the O'Donnells after the battle of Cúl Dreimhne in A.D. 561. St. Columba went to Iona in A.D. 563. This principle became encoded in Ireland's ancient Brehon Laws, over a thousand years before modern copyright emerged.