Rich's Street/Rat F100 Build Thread

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Here's what I have been up to lately:



Is getting thrown the fuck out...I hate it. I have redesigned and will build the new wishbone this week.

It became too much of a centerpiece...way too invasive. From a functional standpoint, it works but from an artistic standpoint, I find it clunky.

It looked way better on paper.

Moving on:








So ya. 100% TIGd lower link bars. More coming soon...
I need to learn how to tig weld. I am good at mig welding but not tig..
Thanks. I taught myself to TIG a month or so ago. It is inherently cleaner and TONS of fun. It takes a little longer than MIG but is saved in the end when there is nothing to grind and no slag to clean.
Id really like to try it, but I dont think I have the coordination to use both hands and a foot. It is a much better weld than MIG thats for sure.
Id really like to try it, but I dont think I have the coordination to use both hands and a foot. It is a much better weld than MIG thats for sure.

It's really not that hard. In the words of my mentor "just floor it and go". Its really important to control your variables and get the machine set right. If you have the machine right, you can just use the pedal as a switch.

Just watch some videos on youtube or something to learn hand technique. This was how my aluminum welds looked on the first day:


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I would have no problem admitting if I sucked at it. People that do it like to make it sound hard so they feel better about themselves but I will be the first to tell you that is not the case.
your fab skills make me wanna fuck every hole i can get my tiny jewish dick into on those pices... *bows to you*

this shits gonna be sick! keep it up man!!
It's really not that hard. In the words of my mentor "just floor it and go". Its really important to control your variables and get the machine set right. If you have the machine right, you can just use the pedal as a switch.

Just watch some videos on youtube or something to learn hand technique. This was how my aluminum welds looked on the first day:

That looks good for the first day of trying..
TIG welding is a lot easier than I thought it would be. When I first had to pick it up, the old timer showin me told me to, "Just figure it out. Its not hard." He knew that I had been MIG weldin for a while already so he didnt think I needed much instruction. He was right lol.

I can usually get similar results from MIG to TIG, until I start gettin into real small stuff, then TIG is hands down better.
Yes and TIG will ultimately get you a cleaner, more detailed weld, with better penetration and less collateral heat damage, and it is a very versatile process.
New shit...the three mounting points for the NEW wishbone:












That's what 14 hours of work looks like.
Are you referring to the mount on the diff or something in the picture you quoted?

The diff is not centered. In fact none of the drive-line is. So yes it is off center.

Otherwise, I can't fathom how you could make that judgment just looking at that picture in your post. Square + tape measure > your eyeballs lol.
I am pretty sure he is talking about the wishbone that is in the pic he reposted. Its a valid quesion I think. Most people probably don't know as much about what you are doing.
That is a crossmember. And yes it is purposefully off center. As I said, the driveline, including the engine, are passenger biased.

A lot of F series trucks had the weight of one or two fuel tanks, the steering components and the driver, as well as the transfer case in 4wd variants all on the driver's side. I believe the driveline is offset to balance the weight distribution of a fully loaded vehicle. Just a guess.