ROFL! chick burned on myspace!

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ROFL! I just got this in a bulletin.... guess this was from an AIM convo...

GirlA: hey
GirlB: hey whats up
GirlA: nuthin much, bored as hell
GirlA: i 4 got to ask u how ur "doctors" appt. went the other day
GirlB: lol well she checked me out and said everything looks ok down there
GirlB: but when i went back for my test results, she told me that i tested positive for....
GirlA: omg for what? ur scaring me
GirlB: chlymidia....or however u spell that
GirlA: damn hun, im so sorry that sux, is there anything i can do for you?
GirlB: yeah im pretty bummed, having an STD sux
GirlA: do u no who u might have gotten it from?
GirlB: not at all, u no with my number.....
GirlA: yeah it would be hard to figure out who gave it to you...
GirlA: but just so you know, im here for you, ur my best friend
GirlB: thanks i appreciate it
GirlB: n e ways, i really wanna go to the mall, it will cheer me up
GirlB: atleast for now
GirlA: ok yeah
GirlB: ill come pick u up

anyways i just thought that some people should read part of my conversation with her.
u might wanna think about things before u go sleeping with her....

lol- she basically posted a bulletin about her "best friend" saying shes got the clap.

well, it was pretty responsible for her friend to post it. I know i'd want to know if a chick had the clap...and then I'd say bye and never see her again.
still man, would you send a bulletin around myspace about it!??!?! wtf! that's so fucking wrong.

if i got the clap (and we all know that won't happen cuz i don't ever get laid) if i wanted people to know about it, i'd tell them myself.... and any girl i would even consider being with would simply get shrugged off...
Condoms = 30 minute to 1 hour mistake

No condoms = 18 years to lifetime mistake.
oh man that's so fucked up. Two of my friends have had the clap but I would never post anything online about it........ oops
That was pretty studpid of her.... why the fuck would you broadcast that over myspace??? :laugh:


You guys speak as if Chlymidia is a big deal. It's exactly the same as a urinary infection. 4 red pills and it's gone for good. And trust me on this .... if you've had sex with a girl without a condom more than a few times in your life, you've had it. Most people do. Some don't ever show symptoms. I had it when I was 17. It just stung a bit when I took a piss for like 2 days. I took the anti-biotics and it was gone in a week. No big deal.

So as much as this chick was a dumbass for broadcasting that she currently had it .... it's really no big deal. She takes a pill and it's gone. :shrug2:

Still, pretty fuckin stupid nonetheless.
Just so everyone knows..."The Clap" is another name for Gonorrhea not Chlamydia.
Chlamydia is usually swabbed out of the Urethra with a pipe cleaner.

Sinc eI'm at work,l and can't attach a work warning to this, look up images of Troma's "Chlamydia" .. she's one of the troma girls and if you're into troma movies, you'll know right off the bat :)
Edit on that: I just found some clean pics of her, she's not hot anymore.
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Chlamydia is usually swabbed out of the Urethra with a pipe cleaner.

No it's not. The dreaded "swab" is just the test to swab a sample of fluid from your urethra. They shove an indistrial sized q-tip down your urethra and put it in a sealed tube for testing purposes...which takes about 25 minutes. Chlamydia is only cured with antibiotics. Trust me, I know first hand. The swab was probably the worst pain I've ever experienced. I actually got goosebumps when I wrote this. It was like 8 years ago, but I can still remember like it was yesterday.