turning a new leaf

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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maybe i'll go to the beach this year for 5 min and get my burn on.

:p isn't that the truth. i gardened in a bikini top last weekend for not even an hour, in the MORNING; my back STILL hurts from the burn i got.

People don't appreciate the amount of energy us pale folks reflect back into space when we go outside... We're single-handedly staving off global warming.
i appreciate watching B turn 3-5 shades redder on a 5 minute smoke break during the summer

you can literally watch him burning more and more by the second... its amazing
People don't appreciate the amount of energy us pale folks reflect back into space when we go outside... We're single-handedly staving off global warming.
in that case, i don't just reflect. I amplify, and send out lazers
I'm pretty pale.

I also workout side and have to deal with the sun every summer. I wear spf-15 99% of the time and at the end of a good summer I'm pretty dark.
Along with it, I've decided to quit smoking. They just went up another $1 a pack, and april first they are supposed to go up again, topping $7 a pack. It's just fucking stupid. And I'm sick of it.

Good choice. I quit a year ago with Chantix after being a pack-a-day guy for 14 years. You wont miss it one bit once you realize how bad they smell when you dont smoke. You can smell it HOURS after the cig is gone. Smokers, you arent fooling anyone ^_^.

Good luck with everything man
well, its saturday. i just did a bit of cardio, and now its rest until monday night when i start p90.

Just by eating good and doing a bit of exercise these past 5 days, I can already see a huge difference in myself. I'm down a belt notch, i feel better, I'm sleeping better, etc etc.
I'm failing miserably on the smoking thing though :( Hopefully that will be easier once i get p90 going and run out of breath in 2 min.

So, here's my 1 week results.


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Don't give up man! I'm just starting to try and get in some kind of shape also, I remember reading about this "100 push ups a day" thing some guy was on. Supposedly if you can do 100 push ups a day (not necessarily all at once, although I think that's the goal) then you'll be in some seriously vicious physical condition. So I'm doing pushups and double timing it at work :D

I work outside and I get a mad farmer's tan before I can even do anything about it :P
I take creatine, cla, multi vitamin, glutamine, fish oil, carnitine, and no-shotgun.

Vpx no-shotgun is my favorite, doesn't make me stay up all night, gives a good pump, and is relatively cheap for 28 servings. :)

NO-Shotgun ROCKS! If you're looking for both a "thermogenic"/somethingtogetyourassgoing go for this one, B.

Hey Slammed, why do you choose to supplement with extra creatine? The Shotgun has what, I think five different kinds? I'm just curious really. I'm contemplating "downgrading" to Synthesize instead. Your thoughts?

i'm also on my way to pick this up for $100


I envy you, B. I got to the dude's house after he called me back and said he still had the pull-up/dip station. I get there about half an hour later. Freakin' guy looks at me and tells me "Oh, I'm sorry man. I just sold it about twenty minutes ago. A guy called me after we spoke and he offered me $100 for it so I took it. Needless to say I looked at the guy, raised my eyebrow, blinked three times, flashed $140 I had taken just in case someone tried to "outbid me" at the last minute, got in my car and left. He kept on saying wait or something as I was leaving but wow...that just amazed me.

Instead I went to Play-it-Again-Sports here, bought a heavy duty mat for my Crossbow and ran into an older gentleman on Craigslist who had some 25-35lbs. hex weights plus some plates for my tricep bar for sale for $30. Can we say score? :D Paying that little for hex weights is kind of like winning the lotto. I may have gotten a set of 20lbs in there too. In either case I made out like a bandit.

Best of luck on the quitting smoking. Have you considered giving the patch a try?
Serious props to you, B. I truly wish a lot of my family members would hurry up and see what you see. It sounds harsh, but such a shitty lifestyle is suicide. Best of luck to ya.
Well, i'm all set up and ready to go.

I went to get hex dumbells today, but 85 cents a pound is just absurd. a set of 30's would run me $50. stupid. plus, i need like 5 other weights. F that.
so, instead i picked up 3 bands for 15 each med-heavy-and extra heavy. I have regular dumbells (olympic style w/ collars) if necessary anyway.

so, i got the bands, i got the tower... but its close on my ceiling. My head just about brushes on it. I might have to move it outside (i have a slider to ground level right there in that room). We'll see what happens. I can't do a single pullup right now anyway. lol

I got the mat for the plyometric/kenpo/yoga stuff.
I got a set of gloves

i got the laptop (which will be playing my movies from my external usb hard drive) hooked up to the tv with vga + rca's.

I got my shoes, i got a workout outfit from underarmour.

then i cleaned out my closet. It was a disaster of stuff that i never wear or doesn't fit me and probably won't wear again even if it did.... Good Will is going to love me. I still have way too much crap for a guy. Christ. I take up nearly an entire walk in closet. lol

and i got my new adidas for casual/hanging out cuz my shell tops are shot and need to be retired.

sheets are in the dryer right now (sunday ritual)... hence my empty bed, but will be done shortly. then, its making the bed, and off to sleep. Tomorrow is Chest & Back + Ab RipperX. I'm gonna be hurtin. lol

so, here's some pics cuz i got bored while waiting for my laundry to finish :D


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I can't wait for the pain personally. After I got home from work I carried around eight pairs of hex weights, varying from 20-50lbs. upstairs, along with an adjustable bench, tricep bar, plates, straight bar and I think that's it. That was a workout in itself. Needless to say my room isn't quite as organized as yours right now.

Best of luck tomorrow man. Don't get discouraged even if you do start hurting. Just remember you are doing this for yourself and no one else.

Have you checked Craigslist for the hex's? I'll tell you that you are not going to find them there on your first or maybe even second try but people sell them on there all of the time. You just have to keep on looking and be ready to buy them right away. I got a set of 20-35's today for $30 along with that tricep bar, plates and straight bar. If you can't get them right away just don't give up on them.
NO-Shotgun ROCKS! If you're looking for both a "thermogenic"/somethingtogetyourassgoing go for this one, B.

Hey Slammed, why do you choose to supplement with extra creatine? The Shotgun has what, I think five different kinds? I'm just curious really. I'm contemplating "downgrading" to Synthesize instead. Your thoughts?

I don't believe the labels. I hve goals and the labels usually don't contain the "true" measures. Bsn is getting sued over their "creatine" in cell mass. Synthesize blows. Get on pro complex...

I'm 6' 200 and I got goals and I don't trust manufacturers so there is a out of overlap when I'm trying to break my bench levels.
I don't believe the labels. I hve goals and the labels usually don't contain the "true" measures. Bsn is getting sued over their "creatine" in cell mass. Synthesize blows. Get on pro complex...

I'm 6' 200 and I got goals and I don't trust manufacturers so there is a out of overlap when I'm trying to break my bench levels.

Speaking of companies getting sued and false advertisement as well, did you ever read about how MuscleTech uses body builder types to pose for their Hydroxycut ads? They'll take their jacked up pictures and put them as their "after" and then pay them to gain weight so they can put them as their "before" pics. Frankly that's just crap.

Do you mean Pro Complex as far as protein goes? Like the one made by Optimum Nutrition?

The pump from NO Shotgun is great but I was thinking of going without the Redline and downgrading to NO Synthesize. Have you had bad experiences with Synthesize that make you say it blows? The formula is almost identical minus the Redline/shitthatmakesyougozoooom and I think one has a bit more Beta Alanine than the other if my memory serves me correct.

Either way I appreciate your opinion. :thumbsup:
I can't do a single pullup right now anyway.

I got that portable doorway pullup bar from the infomercials for Christmas, I'm up to 4-5 now from 0 at Christmas. From 0-1 I used my legs to take some of my weight off and build my way up. I still do it when I want to treat it like a pulldown bar and do like 30 reps.
you can also build your strength for pull ups by starting in the up position and doing "negative reps" (going down as slow as possible/ resisting gravity)
I got that portable doorway pullup bar from the infomercials for Christmas, I'm up to 4-5 now from 0 at Christmas. From 0-1 I used my legs to take some of my weight off and build my way up. I still do it when I want to treat it like a pulldown bar and do like 30 reps.

How has that worked out for you man? I got the Iron Gym one from Vitamin Shoppe for $20 and it seems great, but now I have to order ANOTHER freakin' bar that goes across since my doors are too damn wide! Ugh! I wish these people on Craigslist would quit flaking out with the pull-up/dip stations they're supposedly selling.

Sorry to threadjack, B, but I'm just frustrated for once. I'm freakin' feaning for pull-ups and no dice. It's time to improvise my back workouts with dumbbells. Wooo!
Oh I thought u meant bsn syntha6 not no-synthesize.

Beta is cheaper by itself. Dirt cheap. I like the caffeine and no shotgun has the least across the board for nitric oxide pre-workouts. I never have heart palpitations like I did on 3 scoops of no-xplode.
How has that worked out for you man? I got the Iron Gym one from Vitamin Shoppe for $20 and it seems great, but now I have to order ANOTHER freakin' bar that goes across since my doors are too damn wide! Ugh!

That's the one. Fits my doors just right and works really well. Literally one second to set up in the doorway.


The metal's a bit thin, but it should be strong enough for just about anyone's weight who's considering pullups. Flexes a bit with my brother, but not my 125lb ass. :p
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