Wall street protests

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Weird, they don't like freeloaders leeching off their hard work? Man, I've heard something like that beforer ...hmmm ...where was it?

You must be thinking of when wall street bankers leached billions of taxpayer dollars to stay in Armani suits and Gucci shoes. So ya they're protesting the exact same thing they started protesting: worthless leaches. The Stockholm syndrome is strong in this thread.
You must be thinking of when wall street bankers leached billions of taxpayer dollars to stay in Armani suits and Gucci shoes. So ya they're protesting the exact same thing they started protesting: worthless leaches. The Stockholm syndrome is strong in this thread.

this entire protest is a bunch of bullshit because it isn't the "1%" that fucked everyone, it's the ".01%", and lumping everyone that makes more than $200K in the same group is fucking nonsense, and stupid, and goes a long way to showing that it's nothing more than clueless rhetorical "I want mine without having to pay" bullshit.
I just have to comment on the mcdonalds thing......

mcdonalds food sucks. there really must be something wrong with you if you think it's "delicious"
Maybe they are selling something other than food.

wonder how the occupy movements in the NE are feeling now. cold temps, snow, ice. trees falling everywhere.
I just have to comment on the mcdonalds thing......

mcdonalds food sucks. there really must be something wrong with you if you think it's "delicious"

McDonalds is getting more successful not because their food is good, it never has been, two things ...marketing, and prices. That's it. They have a palatable product that can put a dent in your gut for less than $4, and they make sure everyone knows it.
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I just have to comment on the mcdonalds thing......

mcdonalds food sucks. there really must be something wrong with you if you think it's "delicious"
I can't be the only one who thinks a double cheeseburger tastes good. I mean it is only food by the loosest definition but if you close your eyes while you eat it...

McDonalds is getting more successful not because their food is good, it never has been, two things ...marketing, and prices. That's it. They have a palatable product that can put a dent in your gut for less than $4, and they make sure everyone knows it.
There is no way that is true. For them to have become as successful as they are, their food would have to taste good. It is fatty, salty, sweet, or any combination thereof. It is NOT "good" food, but it would be hard to argue that it is not good-tasting food, at least to a majority of people.
There is no way that is true. For them to have become as successful as they are, their food would have to taste good. It is fatty, salty, sweet, or any combination thereof. It is NOT "good" food, but it would be hard to argue that it is not good-tasting food, at least to a majority of people.

People don't care about good, they care about good enough, and McDonalds is good enough, especially for the price. And the reason their foods are salty, fatty, and uber sweet is because that's what the majority of people's taste buds like, especially their target audience ...kids.
The only mcdonalds food I ever thought tasted "good enough" were the fries (before the oil switch) and the mcflurry (I had one a couple months ago, and it was crap). So, now there is no mcdonalds food I enjoy eating.

When I want a fast food burger, I go to whataburger
this entire protest is a bunch of bullshit because it isn't the "1%" that fucked everyone, it's the ".01%", and lumping everyone that makes more than $200K in the same group is fucking nonsense, and stupid, and goes a long way to showing that it's nothing more than clueless rhetorical "I want mine without having to pay" bullshit.

You can be in the 60th percentile and still be roaming around fucking people over. I don't give a fuck about what percentile you happen to belong to, I want to drag the Lobbyists, the CEOs, bankers, and the politicians that ACTUALLY DO criminally extract wealth from lower classes of society and refresh the blood on the guillotine. The percentages and statistics are just a means to open peoples eyes to how bad it's gotten. It's not about how much you make, it's how you go about making it.If you think the protest is against you personally, maybe your conscience is telling you that you work in a capacity that extracts your wealth from other people without their consent and you feel guilty about it.
The first part of your post is railing against generalizations about people of higher income, yet the last part is a beyond ignorant generalization of the mindset that is driving this movement. Your criticisms only highlight your blindness.
"I want mine without having to pay"

I want the ability to choose what I want without being forced to pay for everyone else's. That's the mentality, and if it's clueless and rhetorical, than clue me in why that's so wrong.
You can be in the 60th percentile and still be roaming around fucking people over. I don't give a fuck about what percentile you happen to belong to, I want to drag the Lobbyists, the CEOs, bankers, and the politicians that ACTUALLY DO criminally extract wealth from lower classes of society and refresh the blood on the guillotine. The percentages and statistics are just a means to open peoples eyes to how bad it's gotten. It's not about how much you make, it's how you go about making it.If you think the protest is against you personally, maybe your conscience is telling you that you work in a capacity that extracts your wealth from other people without their consent and you feel guilty about it.
The first part of your post is railing against generalizations about people of higher income, yet the last part is a beyond ignorant generalization of the mindset that is driving this movement. Your criticisms only highlight your blindness.

Blah, blah, blah, "If you have more than me you are a criminal screwing everyone, and the force of the government should make things more fair"

I want the ability to choose what I want without being forced to pay for everyone else's. That's the mentality, and if it's clueless and rhetorical, than clue me in why that's so wrong.

You do understand that's the same mentality of most of the successful people that you, and the rest of the loons are railing against? I don't care if you have to sell crack to do it, everyone in this country can make it out of "poverty" (a term I use loosely since even I live at the poverty line and have two cars, a house, all the gaming systems, and three computers, food, and clothes on my families backs, but no iPhone). A lot of the protest seem to be people that went to college, and now regret it because they are saddle with huge debt, not my fault, or problem, not Wall Street's fault or problem. They should have taken a moment to compose and clue about real life before making that leap.
I want the ability to choose what I want without being forced to pay for everyone else's. That's the mentality, and if it's clueless and rhetorical, than clue me in why that's so wrong.


but i want welfare and unemployment to be cut loose completely. no free handouts for anyone. survival of the fittest. need money? get a fucking job. can't sustain your large family? well stop having kids.
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I want the ability to choose what I want without being forced to pay for everyone else's. That's the mentality, and if it's clueless and rhetorical, than clue me in why that's so wrong.
This is the first intelligible thing you've said in this entire thread Mr. Stockholm Propaganda Rhetoric.

This is exactly what everyone wants. If the OWS can't seem to come together on a single message, it will fail. But like you even did in this thread and the people on the corner are doing is the fill everything with fear, insults and rhetoric that people start arguing even though they actually agree on the core issue.
^ Agree on the part about people arguing though everyone agrees on the core issue.

The issue is not with the message of OWS, its the message being portrayed by OWS. Everything I have seen on the internet lacks a universal message or goal, a necessary and vital component of a successful protest.
all these people are protesting about greed and corruption, but they are protesting out of their own greed, that they want more from the corrupt system

i support an end to greed, corruption, selling out the american people, or our land/air/water/enviroment just to make a buck

but i also don't want something that doesn't belong to me
i've payed my own way this far, i don't see why everyone can't do the same

i find it amusing all the people with bogus degrees now wanting their student loans forgiven
english? psych? sociology? art? the history of art?
i laughed at all these people in college, because i knew that unless they stayed in school for 10 years and got a phd, there was no way they were going actually obtaining a piece of paper that would help them make a profitable career.
i was focused on obtaining a degree that i knew would provide me with immediate bankable skills for when i graduated

and the whole concept that you need a degree to be sucessful? or need to go to college in general?
no piece of paper with your name on it will ever replace hard work and a desire to succeed
they can't teach human spirit and survival in college
i think learning a trade can be even more valuable than a degree
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A degree can get you in the door but not in fucking Art or some bullshit.

I have an A.S. Degree and make more than most of my friends with MBAs, and Bachelors. Not that Im a big deal or anything but sometimes a degree doesnt matter.

I worked hard and made things happen, I graduated thinking I was entitled to a job too in 2003. It wasnt the best time back then either but nothing like it is now. The thing that really pisses me off is back then I did what I had to do, I picked up trash, I worked part time with temp agencies, I networked as much as I could and I did what I had to do to survive.

The first full time job I had I got paid $8.50 an hour as a Security guard. I went to school for web design and computer crap, I was told to expect to make $50k when I got out of school but that was a joke....but working for basically minimum wage I made it happen which I think is somewhat lost nowadays (not everyone).

I have been employed since and hustled my way into the field Im in now...Investments. I knew the only way to make it was to work my way up and make or take any opportunities I could all while improving myself.

I see a lot of people talking about how they dont want to pay for everyone else's stuff yet they are collecting an unemployment check or have graduated and cant find work so they just protest with their energy.

I said it before, get a fucking job, they are there you just dont want to do them because they are beneath you. The other portion of people Im sorry for because I know they are trying to get jobs and they arent having any luck. I would shovel shit right now if thats all that was available to me to take care of myself and family.

Work ethic has vanished in a lot of people.

I think the movemnt has run its course, they failed and need to go home. I agree with the wealth not being distributed and a lot of laws need to be changed like I have mentioned in my other posts.

Rubber bullets will be a flying soon....
I said it before, get a fucking job, they are there you just dont want to do them because they are beneath you.

Yip. There's lots of jobs out there, but people that think they are worth more than they are just can't bring themselves to do them.

Work ethic has vanished in a lot of people.

And it's spreading and getting worse. Now you can go what? Almost two years on unemployment ?!?! Why would anyone go work somewhere shitty when they can collect a check for a couple years making more from good ol' uncle .gov? The longer this shit last the more deeply it's going to infect the younger generation growing up now, awesome, a whole new segment of entitlement mentalities.
i find it amusing all the people with bogus degrees now wanting their student loans forgiven
english? psych? sociology? art? the history of art?
But those degrees allowed them to "see how it really is"! They know more about it then everyone, just ask them. That's why they operate a left-wing website from Starbucks everyday. That's why they act like they're better than everyone. Because they are!!

I'd like to drag them out back with a Louisville and my size 12 steel toed boot and show them "how it really is".

We're animals by nature. We want what isn't ours. It's just how you go about getting it. It's just like the food chain. Some chase food down and kill it. Others steal it from the first guy and run. Some wait until the first two are done, and pick up the scraps. OWS and people like them, sit in the nest and squawk until the momma bird brings food back.
Bottom line:
wall street CEOs lobbied corrupt politicians to steal billions of dollars to keep their ponzi scheme rolling a few years longer. The corporate owned media is doing there best to discredit the movement by focusing your attention onto college age dipshits who don't have a clue. It's working. No one can get behind the movement to stop the corporate oligarchy from extracting wealth from lower classes through a corrupt government and banking system, without being accused of being a lazy hippy who would rather live in his parents basement and collect unemployment than work for a living.
The ASSumptions some of you made just because someone recognizes how thoroughly fucked the system is, and seeks to change it, makes me legitimately disheartened. People are such hollow shells of mealy mouthed bitches, who would rather exist in a system that uses them for evil than to recognize it and speak out against it.
There will never be a meaningful change in this country and we'll just keep on sliding into a totalitarian regime of pacified slaves. The brainwashing is too complete. The zeitgeist too perfect. Humanity too stupid. Hold on for the ride.