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  • Users: djyox
  • Content: Threads
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  1. D

    Looking For Helmet Cameras

    I was just out looking for some Helmet Cams and can't find much the cheapest I found was $150....Please let me know if you know of somewhere to get some cheaper....if so I will have some great videos for you guys in a while after I get one. :D
  2. D

    Can Someone Help

    I was just wondering if anyone could help resize this picture so I can get it to fit into my avatar, I've done all I can do with it I suck at anyone lend a helping hand? thanks alot :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
  3. D

    Good Commercial

    ...the dust and the guy riding with him just has a wierd look on his face like what the hell, and all the people on the outside are looking at him wierd too..... then it zooms out and hes driving in a hurse (spl check on *hurse*). If I could spell it might help out...haha but anyhow good mini flick!
  4. D

    Quick Question For Those Of You Who Know Everythin

    Alright I have been arguing with my buddy over this he thinks he knows everything but I think he pulls most of this shit out of his ass. But anyhow, he says that a Canadian civic si is basically an ex...I told him to go fuck a tree what do you guys think was I wrong?
  5. D

    Hpi Micros

    just wondering what you people thought of these new little toys....I got mine last year, and now started hoppen it up now everyone else wants in on the deal, so we're making a little track outta pvc pipe and haven some races this year. And if anyone wants to buy just the bare bones kit from me...
  6. D

    98/xp Question For You Guys

    ALright, I had a quick question for you guy out there that know your stuff. I was wondering how I can put both XP AND 98 on my PC at the same time with out using 2 diffrent hard drives? I know there are some 3rd party programs that do it for you. But I don't know the names of any. (saw it done...
  7. D

    Anyone Got Extra Computer Stuff?

    Hey, I just picked up a 1.4 P4 computer with no hard drive and only 64 megs of ram, just wondering if anyone had some extra crap laying around like a USB keyboard, or ram or a hard drive for cheap? Don't need a huge one, like under 40gig would treat me fine. Also, I have it right next to me and...
  8. D

    Need A Place To Upload Some Pics

    I was wondering what some free uploading sites are for some pictures, that is easy to use and I can put a link to JUST the picture and not the whole website itself, if there is not such a thing I would be happy with anything free I guess? any good ones?
  9. D

    R/c Boats Fs!

    OK I know you people want pictures I just wanted to see if anyone was interested first. 2 boats! one a Nitro Furry with a .12 in it RTR With futaba Stick radio. The other is a Prather Spitfire I with a 3.5cc outboard k@B or .21, Has Futaba FM pistol radio. Please e-mail me with any questions or...
  10. D

    Mn People, Or People Close To Mn

    ok one is a 1989 CRX Hf The other is a 1990 Si HB. I believe both run and both are for sale, the Si is going for like $800 w/o title and the rex is going for $3500? I believe it has Nos, matrix coil overs, intake and some other crap. But you can take it off, the Si is the best looking 4th gen...
  11. D

    Turbo Question?

    Well my buddy is looking to sell is turbo off of his GSX and I was wanting to buy it and put it on my b16a1 SiR motor when it came, but I was just wondering what I should expect out of it and if it sounds any good to you guys it is a mix and match kinda deal with a 14b Air side, 16g exhaust side...
  12. D

    Kart Racing!!! YEAH!

    Ok, Thought I would post a few pics of this sport, because so far its as close as I have gotten to racing my honda, But these are legal for this website because they are HONDA Motors on them....So take a few winks at these? Anyone else Race? This is my baby this is Actualy a yamaha, I run in...
  13. D

    There are 10 types of people in the world

    where the hell did this thread come from?
  14. D

    Just wondering where everyone is from?

    I was just wondering where people lived in the states here, Because most of you are from CA I believe, I'm up here in MN the freaken cold state....Also wonding how the import thing is doing where your from...I wanna move to FL soon though so anyone from there Speak up! By the way, I should put...
  15. D

    WTB: Service Manual for 90 Civic

    I was wondering if any of you guys had one of those laying around, I don't remember what kind is the best again its like $60 for my car or something like that, not a Hynes or what ever...but I don't know what kind it is, but you know! So if you got one let me know....I'll even pay shipping.
  16. D

    Shoot some Flames!!!

    I've always wanted to do this, I was just wondering how you guys would do this, I was going to hook a coil up to a spark plug in the rear of the pipe and see what happens and if it didn't flame, then I was going to take a washer fluid thing and put in something in there....and mist it in the...
  17. D

    Tire/rim question

    I am just wondering if I should just keep my stock 14s or what I should do they are on my 90 HB Si. let me know what you guys would do...I don't care about looks as much as being able to take corners better....tell me what you would do oh great ones or what ever... :worthy: just kidding you guys...
  18. D

    Si Tranny

    I have an Si tranny out of a '90 civic hatch, I don't know if it matters what else to put in with this so tell me what you need and I can take it all out, I don't know how to ship it yet or anything, just thought I would ask, because I know there people out there with 4th gen STD and DXs that...
  19. D

    FS: 91 HB

    ok, I'm selling my 91 Civic HB STD its in ok shape but I need it to go so I can buy a motor for my SI. So make some offers I'll get some pics up soon, I dunno If anyone even wants to see some pictures of it I'm from Stillwater, MN, or basicaly St. paul, MN let me know?
  20. D

    You might be a ricer if....

    Bored Should be in bed, but thought this could get very funny.... You might be a ricer put a body kit and stickers on to cover up rust.
  21. Try your Search on Google
