$5.39/gallon for 87 octane

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gas is around 3.60-3.70 a gallon most places in fl. i just went on a road trip in my xterra.... 19mpg on the hwy with the cruise control set at 76mph. and it gets as low as 15mpg in the city :kick:
Paid $3.43 for 87 here today, as soon as the weather breaks I will absolutly be breaking this bad boy out for around town/work commuting.

1980 Honda PA50.

100+mpg, 35mph top speed.
Mine is $120/month with dental, which is what I was paying for my 'portion' at my last full time job that offered health insurance as a 'benefit' anyway.

FUuuuuuuck that. I pay $76/mo for mine. You're getting ripped.

Also, my cr-z gets 35-36 the way I drive it. I drive it like it's a sports bike. My sv650s gets 46-55 if I'm on main streets, 33-38 on back roads. I travel roughly 450 miles a week.

Gas would have to climb to $10/gal for me to have to change my lifestyle.
FUuuuuuuck that. I pay $76/mo for mine. You're getting ripped.
i'm 30 and was a smoker within 12 months of signing up (i need to re-quote myself next month now as a 12-month without tobacco person)

you're 23, and you work for the government. Your rates are not 'normal' and will increase with your age.

At my waiting job when i was full time i was only paying like 60 bucks a month too.

Gas would have to climb to $10/gal for me to have to change my lifestyle.

Yeah, i'm not concerned with it in terms of my car fuel needs.
if the average person uses 20/gal a week (high mark for most, 400 miles in a 20mpg average)
that's 1040 gal a year used.
price at $4 = $4160 per year cost
at $5 = $5200
1040 / 12 = $86 a month price difference

Now, again, most people probably don't drive 400 miles, or they do so in a better than 20mpg car, and thus on average, use far less than 20 gallons a week. it may be closer to 10 gallons a week, which is $43 a month difference in your life.

If this breaks you, you're already doing it wrong and need to get a second job or turn off your phone, cable, and internet.

The real issue is EVERYTHING else is going to cost more, too.

everything is shipped. everything is made of oil (all plastics, etc)

It's only going to go up from here.

The way we 30-year olds remember $1.75 cigarettes and Topping off our cars on 94-octane fuel for $10 are a thing of the past.

A few years from now, $4 gas will be 'remember when gas was cheap' days just the same.

Get yourself off oil as best you can now, or go down with the ship.

I already don't commute.
I'm already preparing/planning to grow my first garden this year to avoid buying imported produce as much as possible.
I've researched power options with solar, wind, and even water as much as i could, but it is not yet at consumer-friendly prices and i'm priced out of most options there.
I burn pellets for heat. I try to keep my oil use as low as possible, but my hot water is on the boiler, and i don't have plans to change that to electric as electric is just coal/oil based power around here anyway.

Every little bit you can do can save you a few bucks and an investment now will almost certainly pay off in the future run.
Have you looked at geothermic heat for your water B? That may be a some what affordable solution. It isn't going to boil water but it will keep it at a consistent temp.

Price for fuel isnt a huge concern for me either but like B said, its the cost of everything else. My folks have 2.25 acres and will probably end up talking to them about maybe setting up a garden in the corner and checking with the owners of the goats and sheep they keep in the field if they can take one a year as a payment of sorts. Goat is delicious, if you have a chance to have some do it.
+1 on heath coverage, I've bought my own since 21.
Currently we both buy our own insurance. It's $240.00/mo for both of us.

As to the OP, so a gas station jacks up the prices and makes the internet go crazy. Glad we can all feed into their goal of getting attention to their station.
If i were building a new house, i'd consider it. No way i'm drilling under my house. Plus, those system are super expensive. 30 grand all said and done, easy. It would take $12-15 oil and $500/ton pellets for me to even really look at it seriously.
if you have a gas line to your house, which i don't. only the old neighborhoods have gas around here.
$5-6 gas is coming this year. Plan for it now, or walk.

i'll be buying a bike this year, and i walk to work when weather permits. love working within a mile of home.

this gas shit is ridiculous.
but, unfortunately, its what we have to deal with in order for there to be better advances in other forms of energy.
Id also be cool with a series of EMPs being detonated around the globe. Hit the ol reset button, a couple years of people going bat shit crazy and then we can all build sweet ass log cabins and what not.
we need to setup a rally point for HS members when the shit really goes down.
Instead of an on/off switch for the internet, someone should built a ctrl + alt + del combo button