78 cvcc build thread

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he's in the process of buying/moving into a house.. i'm sure updates will come when he gets settled in
Great project man if i had the money to go to my country and bring all them old car back over here i would be rich ........Hope all goes well .
I'm gonna try to work on it this weekend, but I gotta watch my daughter since my gf is house sitting/baby sitting all weekend. Maybe now's the time to teach her to turn wrenches :)
Im telling you man, its never to early to learn how to turn a wrench. Or at least be the tool girl. How paradise would that be, chillin under you car and have your daughter bring you sockets and wrenches.
I didn't know you had a kid, man! :D

How paradise would that be, chillin under you car and have your daughter bring you sockets and wrenches.

Shoot.. I'd make her get under the car while I drink a beer and hand her sockets :)
WOW u gatta baby girl right on mine is 6 and loves hondas now that dady raced his and ya she helped out alot well make her think she did it goes along waywith dad and baby girl mine does welding with out mom knowing lol she helped out alot sanding and bondo !!
glad to hear someone else doing the father baby-girl build car thing
keep it up bud and get her into fixing the car as well
you will i know!!
i did too lol she will love it wel"l my lill girl does ,
I'll tell you what... Theres a cute chick here in town that helps out with the cars, and actually knows how to turn a wrench and change her own oil...

It seriously is one of coolest things ever!
Don't want to sound like I'm bragging that I gotta' boy vs. a girl, but I can't wait to get my boy exposed to cars & such. I've actually had him out in the stroller while I worked on my ride.

Looking forward to seeing more about your car when you get a chance. Here's hoping you'll catch some vid of her first run.
My son (2.7 years old) is facinated with cars.. He'll plaster himself to his bedroom window (you can see the driveway very well from his window) while I'm working on the cars, and he'll watch me until I'm done or its bed time.. Nothing else holds attention for more than 30 seconds.

My little girl is a dainty little princess, and tells me that I'm dirty, then points to the bathroom and says "Go take a bath!!"

Its funny as hell.
That's cool and all....but why is he locked in his room? :(

b/c if you don't have your kid on a leash outside... you can get fined or get called the cops on.

Well, I guess you can buy muzzles nowadays, but still...
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This is what I did last weekend, still gotta run the copper feed line and, uh, finish the wiring :(:confused::huh::eek:
Copper? What made you use copper instead of aluminum?

Great progress man!
(Who's garage is that? is your dad being a little more cool about you using it, or is that new, or.. wha?)
OMG Klyph!!! You're back working on her?!?!?!?!

I stopped hanging around these forums around the time you got kicked outta that garage.. Good to see you started working on her again!! Can't wait to see this thing rolling man.. Be sure to get us a video if you can this little car fascinates me!
