Are you going to get vaccinated?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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  • Replies Replies 237
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Will you get a covid vaccine?

  • Already did

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • As soon as I can

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not until I have to

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not a chance

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters

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lol where do you find these web sites?
What difference does it make. Does it need to be on CNN broken down by Don Lemon ? As if they would report on it. Does the study need to be done by Dr. Fauci to make you feel better?

The study is the study which should have been done long before injecting the earth's population.
the argument is important from every angle, regardless of which side you are on. keep on posting those articles!
I got the jab for work. I felt like a train ran me over after the second shot, and was weak for weeks. Got the Rona 2 months after the second shot. I still spread it to the wife and kids. Really wish I never got the vaccine. After how I felt after the second shot I will not get the booster.
A few of my co-workers had bad reactions including a 24 year old having a stroke.
I got the jab for work. I felt like a train ran me over after the second shot, and was weak for weeks. Got the Rona 2 months after the second shot. I still spread it to the wife and kids. Really wish I never got the vaccine. After how I felt after the second shot I will not get the booster.
A few of my co-workers had bad reactions including a 24 year old having a stroke.
Did you have to go to the hospital when you got COVID after getting the shot?
I ended up getting sick and tested positive for COVID. Multiple rapid tests, multiple manufacturers.
I had the JnJ in April 2021, and the JnJ booster in Jan 2022. (Studies indicated it was effective for Omnicron, who knows)
Caught something on Superbowl Sunday in a small group setting.
(1 of the guys had a sick kid, and didn't think to maybe not come to a party with someone sick in your house)
His kid tested positive the following Tuesday.
Wednesday I had a little in the sinus, figured it was related to allergies (I live on allergy meds year round)
Thursday I woke up and felt like I got hit by a bus. Thur and Friday were the worst, then Saturday - Wednesday was tough, but like a bad flu)

I had severe asthma growing up, not really an issue now except for cold air in the lungs, or real bad allergy season.
I was the kid that missed 2 weeks of school every year when I got sick because it would always turn into bronchitis and pneumonia.
It was so bad we had a nebulizer in house to do treatments so I didn't have to go to the hospital or ER.

So... maybe the vaccine didn't help me at all, maybe it saved my life.
No way to know for sure.
My immune system is typically very strong, and I typically don't get sick often.
All of my OTC meds, nyquil, mucinex, etc had expiration dates of 2013-2019, to give you an idea of how rarely I get sick.
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Glad you're doing better man. Bad timing for you too!

Omicron seems to be sneaking through the vaccines and there was definitely a bump in cases in jan and early feb.

Luckily, things seem to be pretty low now.
Yes, very bad time.
I worked through it as best I could, but we're talking working 3 hours on Thur and Friday, and 6-8 hours the rest of the time.
No where near my normal 10-12+ hour days.
COVID cost me a boat load of money lol

Back on track now and working through the backlog though.

I had to cancel all appointments for a week and a half, so there were a couple days last week that I was booked with appointments straight through the day, 7-9 clients back to back. Half of them were just to hand me one tax doc at a time and tell me... this is my W2... this is my interest... this is my mortgage 1098... yea, I know what all these forms are, I've seen them every tax season for the last 20 years. Huge time suck, but some people like to do that, I have no idea why. (Face to face appointments are a sore subject for accountants during tax season)
More and more studies are being done which is fantastic. This one is on Ivermectin out of the University of Miami. listen, don't listen. the information is out there. up to you to continue to educate yourself.

Just to chime in on the topic in general...

My whole family got vaccinated pretty much right away. I was hesitant, but my wife and I got it a couple months later (Pfizer, 2 shot). I had 0 issues, my wife had a bad reaction to the first shot (shaking uncontrollably, fever, chills, chest pain) and literally ended up in the hospital after the 2nd shot with chest inflammation. She collapsed walking through the house and I had to make the snap decision to take her to the ER because we were expecting a hurricane that night... so that said, I'm really not a fan of the vaccines. I won't be getting a booster unless it's required for travel most likely.

Through the pandemic I really have not changed my lifestyle too much, I kept up work, travel, sports etc and either had it and was asymptomatic or somehow dodged covid. My wife finally got it last December, and it was BAD for a week. Almost as bad as her reaction to the 2nd shot. So maybe the vaccine ended up being a good thing, in that case. She ended up with 'long covid' and had the cough and inflammation for months.

I'm not really a conspiracy guy but my wife has had 2 friends with bad side effects of the vaccine and it seems a lot of important information about side effects and whatnot were just swept under the rug. I don't like how you're not allowed to ask questions, that honestly scares me more than the vaccine.

Just my thoughts
Just to chime in on the topic in general...

My whole family got vaccinated pretty much right away. I was hesitant, but my wife and I got it a couple months later (Pfizer, 2 shot). I had 0 issues, my wife had a bad reaction to the first shot (shaking uncontrollably, fever, chills, chest pain) and literally ended up in the hospital after the 2nd shot with chest inflammation. She collapsed walking through the house and I had to make the snap decision to take her to the ER because we were expecting a hurricane that night... so that said, I'm really not a fan of the vaccines. I won't be getting a booster unless it's required for travel most likely.

Through the pandemic I really have not changed my lifestyle too much, I kept up work, travel, sports etc and either had it and was asymptomatic or somehow dodged covid. My wife finally got it last December, and it was BAD for a week. Almost as bad as her reaction to the 2nd shot. So maybe the vaccine ended up being a good thing, in that case. She ended up with 'long covid' and had the cough and inflammation for months.

I'm not really a conspiracy guy but my wife has had 2 friends with bad side effects of the vaccine and it seems a lot of important information about side effects and whatnot were just swept under the rug. I don't like how you're not allowed to ask questions, that honestly scares me more than the vaccine.

Just my thoughts
It's not a conspiracy to want to know information about a new gene therapy drug(its not a vaccine) that was purposely hidden from the public and took a court order to get info on. We are now seeing this vaccine is potentially and most likely absolutely horrible. There is absolutely 0 proof it does anything. People had covid before the vaccine came out, most had little to no symptoms, a bunch had mild to moderate symptoms, some had bad symptoms and few died as a direct result of covid. There is no way to prove anyone recovered faster because they were "vaccinated" when people were recovering long before the vaccine was out. It's all political bullshit. And guess what, covid has suddenly vanished from the news. Last week you could open yahoo and see 3-5 stories on covid. open yahoo now....go right now and see if you see a covid story as tops news. NOPE. As of now there are none(8:50am) Why? It's an election year and democrat polling numbers are in the dumps. They are going to claim they defeated covid, which will be a lie. Covid is ramping up as it always does. You have to deliberately search for what's going on with covid now. Millions of people are still being infected and thousands are still being labeled as dying from covid.

I'm so glad i was never vaccinated with this shit. It's going to take years before we find out what this gene therapy drug does to people in the long run.
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i had plans to get the booster last month, but ended up getting a cold (fever chills aches for a few days) and testing negative for covid the entire time. i'm not sure i will get the booster shot at all unless i have to for travel.

mandates are dropping across MA state and i saw that airlines are going to drop the masks mid april... just in time for my trip to see florida man in may.
Yes, very bad time.
I worked through it as best I could, but we're talking working 3 hours on Thur and Friday, and 6-8 hours the rest of the time.
No where near my normal 10-12+ hour days.
COVID cost me a boat load of money lol

Back on track now and working through the backlog though.

I had to cancel all appointments for a week and a half, so there were a couple days last week that I was booked with appointments straight through the day, 7-9 clients back to back. Half of them were just to hand me one tax doc at a time and tell me... this is my W2... this is my interest... this is my mortgage 1098... yea, I know what all these forms are, I've seen them every tax season for the last 20 years. Huge time suck, but some people like to do that, I have no idea why. (Face to face appointments are a sore subject for accountants during tax season)
How about those needy income tax basket cases from across the country?


Glad you're feeling better. I've had it twice.. first time was close to my vaccination and I felt decent. Second time was ~5 months after my last shot and it put me on my ass
I spent the last 2 weeks in a sandy place that required everyone to be vaccinated and negative tested before entry. Never felt safer. Mixed with a few thousand people, nobody tested positive. It was a good couple of weeks. I feel WAY safer outside the US in terms of COVID safety than within, I'll tell you that.