Are you going to get vaccinated?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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  • Replies Replies 237
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Will you get a covid vaccine?

  • Already did

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • As soon as I can

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not until I have to

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not a chance

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters

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Fine, you suggested that the vaccine is being used to get graphene in to our bodies for tracking purposes.

Five responses, huh? don't seem triggered at all...

EDIT: I think I'm going to bow out of this conversation. It's not really a conversation. It's you telling people to think for themselves and then getting mad when they don't arrive at your conclusion. I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change mine. No need for me to trash the boards with this stuff. Have a good one, man.
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Always Sunny Reaction GIF
found this graph very interesting

FWIW, I got the Pfizer in May. Not getting any further boosters though.
found this graph very interesting

View attachment 31973.

I'll never understand this whole 'Trump Supporters" are anti vax....This is the problem with MSM. They make everything Left vs Right, Black vs White. Trump is the one who got us the vaccine. He took the vaccine, he encouraged people to get the vaccine. So why is the Media making this about Trump Supporters when it comes to the people who don't want it?

Trump has nothing to do with not wanting to get this vaccine. There are a fuck ton of medical staff, nurses, doctors, etc who are not getting the vaccine nor will get the vaccine. It's a personal health choice, it's that simple.

In California for Christ sakes...the most liberal hippie dipshit place on the planet...these nurses and medical staff don't want it

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@corvetteguy78 so, are you gonna quit?

Sucky situation.

View attachment 31985

Obviously I cant quit...being homeless with no transportation or no way to feed myself isn't an option and its not like I can just easily replace a $96000 a year job. That's why you did this poll i voted "Not until I have too". We all saw this coming. I'll drag it out as long as i can. We haven't been officially told.

Also i can submit testing instead of getting the vaccine.

Love this Nazi Regime we are living in.

Meanwhile, The Moderna vaccine is being probed for causing Heart Inflammation.
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So now we're comparing the largest genocide the 20th century to a public health debate, that's where we're at?

Cool - just so we're all clear how screwed up that is.
So what your advocating for is we get rid of capitalism and regulate more? I smell a c among us.
found this graph very interesting

View attachment 31973.
It’s a good graph and I think generally useful as there are many communities with strong hesitancy to being vaccinated. But one group is very vocal about all the freedumbs they’re losing.

The best part about this is people often forget PHD =/= Physician. They will weaponize this. 95% of medical doctors got the vaccine immediately when it was available to them. Most hospital personnel is vaccinated and the hold outs are the vocal ones protesting. It’s not a majority or near majority protesting. Very few in comparison and you’d think after seeing how AWFUL it is, the side effects above are just that.
So now we're comparing the largest genocide the 20th century to a public health debate, that's where we're at?

Cool - just so we're all clear how screwed up that is.
Let's see, taking away peoples freedom and making people have its a perfect comparison.
So what your advocating for is we get rid of capitalism and regulate more? I smell a c among us.

It’s a good graph and I think generally useful as there are many communities with strong hesitancy to being vaccinated. But one group is very vocal about all the freedumbs they’re losing.

The best part about this is people often forget PHD =/= Physician. They will weaponize this. 95% of medical doctors got the vaccine immediately when it was available to them. Most hospital personnel is vaccinated and the hold outs are the vocal ones protesting. It’s not a majority or near majority protesting. Very few in comparison and you’d think after seeing how AWFUL it is, the side effects above are just that.
Exactly...and its not the majority or near a majority of people dying of covid so...i agree with you. 7 billion people on can't argue the math.
Thoughts on getting the vaccine? I'm pretty much steering clear as long as possible. I know there's a lot of science behind it but I still feel it was rushed and am not interested in messing with my rna.

If I was older, I'd get it. They open here for my age group next week.

Already seeing things like vaccination passports. May not be able to fly or go to events... Etc.

Which gets political... Freedom and all that. But that's off topic.

Non political discussion only please.
I thought this was a Honda forum not a vaxxer orgy.