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aww shit son, didnt see where the link came from. at first i was like, yeah, so they labeled the browser hack.

god bless M$.
LMMFAO!!! that's fuckin' awesome! that fuckin' thing is stupid... IE is so retarded. it's great that they even named it "SupidIEMarginHack".
i picked up the hacking part through some of the various codes, but what does it do exactly?

<- only knows how to do myspace........ lol. :fear:
its a style sheet for microsoft's website and they add that class to the HTML tag to fix the problem in IE (a microsoft product)
I guess I fail to see the humor in that. True, they should have just fixed IE, but it was probably just cheaper to have the interns do the bandaid fix rather than have someone go through the IE code and fix it that way. Money runs corporations. If it's cheap, and gets the job done, why not do it? Isn't that why we're souping up our compacts rather than buying real sports cars? :p
the point is that there are 100's of sites, and 100s of mailing lists that all revolve around hacking to make it work in IE.

HS has box model hacks on the home page, because IE doesn't know how to count madding, broders, and margins properly.

scroll down to the #header.

voice-family is for Blind folks's screen readers. But, its also a way to hack for ie
no, that IE is a piece of shit.

IE7b2 hasn't fixed 1/4 of the problems with its rendering engine. it will be next to no better than IE6, and i won't be supporting it.

If my site breaks in your browser, sorry, upgrade or deal with it.

the web must move forward. not be held back by shitty software from stubborn mo fo's
Also more websites need to support FF or alternitive browsers alot more. Most of the problems I have encountered with sites while using firefox arnt problems with MY browser its some dumb ass that dosnt know his ass from his elbow when it comes time to write the code to standard. That is why we have standards so everyone can use the same damn thing.

Thats one thing that really pisses me off about ITT, there online learning center shit has got code so messed up that it will not run in FF I am forced to use IE.

I think B has the right idea, nothing will change untill people are forced to. I dont think people stop supporting older browsers to be an ass but its to help the community as a whole. To help people move onto bigger and better things. Kinda the reason why Microsoft dosnt support 95/98 any more. To make you move up to the newer releases.

Web 2.0 is becoming a hot topic.

Ruby on rails, Ajax, xhtml.... the web as you know it is changing before your eyes.