big giant mmo thread

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That's why I'm leary of RF Online. The premise is friggin awesome, but I dunno how the gameplay is gonna be.
oh yeah rf looks awesome

from the people i know whove played it they say this -
the endgame is awesome, its rvr based combat and it kicks ass
goodluck on the grind to get there, korean games are notorius for grinding and they say this is no different. its a long, tedious, and boring journey, but once you get to the endgame it kicks major ass.

the difference between this game and every other korean game is that each individual country is going to have a different company running the game and they are all going to be able to advance and everything independent from other countries.
which also means, no chinese farmers on american servers, yay.

alot of people say its a new generation lineage 2. takes everything that sucked and fixes it.

it looks good, just have to wait and see about release.