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looks like someone just registered


some competition here??
what do you think? sounds like a site that sells shit, no?

There's only an under construction page right now... so who knows :)
sounds like a swap shop by the name. in fact, i thought this site was a swap shop when i first saw the name. i came across hondaswap cause i was looking for places that do swaps for hondas.
They are a shop that sells motor swaps, they tried to pawn off one of their gsr swaps for 2500. Seemed kinda shady though.
i found this site cuz i was attacked by the creator and his cronnies in a dark parking lot... they had my mom tied up in the trunk of a civic and threatened her life if i didnt come on here

.... well actually B just told me to check it out :) but i though the other way sounded more exciting
who will probably be lame. but we'll see.
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Oct 6 2002, 10:19 PM
i found this site cuz i was attacked by the creator and his cronnies in a dark parking lot... they had my mom tied up in the trunk of a civic and threatened her life if i didnt come on here

.... well actually B just told me to check it out :) but i though the other way sounded more exciting

that was your mom? damnit.. i thought that was Justin's :)
and shit, its better in a civic trunk then a del sol trunk!!!
