Football Picks Discussion

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true, i would go late, but id rather go to the eagles game on christmas. i dont think my family is getting together and i got the day that would be fuckin cool.

We'll see what happends.
Yeah, I'm 6-4 right now... 60% and only 6 games left...
There was a lot of upsets this week. Who woulda thought Miami would shutout NE? Jacksonville putting a hurtin on Indy, Buffalo whooping the Jets, and NO reaming Dallas.

Man this week sucked.
I knew NO would destroy Dallas, that onside kick was badass.

Miami, and Buffalo were a surprise... but Indy? I kinda saw it coming, but instate loyalty kept me there.
i live near seattle and went down to phoenix for the weekend. saw the game live. seahawks fucking fucked ass. that is all...
ouch, thats rough.

Exactly, si2000, jacksonville just donest lose at home plus drew and taylor are damn good rb's especially against Indy's run d. seriously, it will be the reason for losing in the FIRST ROUND of the playoff's, im callin it now :D :p
Damn you just got dropped out of first!

If Trapped did 8-8 then I'm in first place! if he did 9-7, we're tied. lol

Ranks, scores, and matchups are up! Dwnshitprincess is out.

Congrats to 2000si for takin over 1st. Congrats to 2000si, get_nick, crx-yem, ripperbone, and myself for having the best scores this week.

Im going to leave up the pick posts just so people can double check. Ill delete the posts tomorrow afternoon.
Don't delete my week 15 picks!!!


Indianapolis Gotta do it! They're 6-0 at home damnit!
so do i still have to convince everybody that LT is league MVP?
no. dick.
haha, don't be sad. my vote would have been for payton if LT didn't score as much and indy kept on winning.

anyways, this is going to be a huge week for picks. there are a lot of games that could go either way. i'm up to 5th place. i was in 16th in the beginning of the season.