Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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in for reply #1,000 lol
edit: damnit, 2000si got it

played some world at war last night... gotta control the zombie population somehow :ph34r:
I should be online most of tonight. The old lady and the boy are out of town this weekend so I will be binging on hookers, coke and MW2. Well no hookers or coke but plenty of MW2
lol i'm on for a little longer right now, gotta hit up the shower, then off to a church play and dinner tonight.

I've personally experienced the difference between an LCD and Plasma tv on gaming. Now I know why people say don't play games on an LCD, the refresh rate is horrible. The Russians and Militia look like blurs of black as they run across my screen.
yeah it looks great, just takes longer to warm up. until it does its not that great, where as my plasma looks fine from startup till im done.
F you guys, I'm still playing on an old ass tube tv. A 25" to be exact.
F you guys, I'm still playing on an old ass tube tv. A 25" to be exact.
lol i have a 27" tube tv in my sons room I play on at night when he wont go to sleep, i just ran a network cable to his room today so I can play online in there
For the PS3 guys, I just noticed this on Twitter:

@fourzerotwo: The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package DLC will hit PS3 in North America on May 4th, everywhere else May 5th. PC gets it worldwide on May 4th

Sorry if it's a repost. I don't think it is...
stim package is overrated. all you do is play the 5 new maps whenever you do tdm. it's kind of annoying.
They will change the biased here some time soon. Pretty much every MP game out in the last little while always favors their new map packs.