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scaring kids is fun. there was this mansion in my town that put up a haunted house every year. and one year i was in it and they gave me a chainless chainsaw and at the end of the night the lady that was running it gave me and the other kid that was running our section a bag of candy cuz she heard all the screams that were coming from our area and we didnt get to go out and get some.

but is my boys get some class i was thinkin being the guys from resivuar(sp?) dogs. mr brown, blonde, white. those guys. run around in suits with bb guns
i dressed up as the dude from the crow last year, dunno what i will do this time

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Actually... I totally forgot. My buddies at work will probably drag me out for my birthday or something, and I won't get home in time to throw candy at the kids.
:werd: fuck kids.

My friend will hopefully be waiting in the bushes with a waterhose to get the lil' bastards.
mike had the old asian guy eating rice

the dancing purple thing was a hippo and loco honkey had that
Quoted post[/post]]
mike had the old asian guy eating rice

the dancing purple thing was a hippo and loco honkey had that


Might still go back to it later too. :mrgreen:
first you're talking about banging Steve and now you're going on about S&M shit?

das fuckd up.
ahhhahhahhahhaha i was waiting for someone to say it. black stockings and all black clothing, and not on holloween......i was dressing as a criminal.