Hmmmmm Terbow...

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Yeah, and it's MINE, all MINE! Muahahaha!

Check this puppy out...

This is a Garrett T3/TA34 Hybrid turbo modified by Precision Turbo ( to it's 'SC34' specs. This turbo is capable of producing over 450 horsepower at the wheels. I won't be pushing it that far until my block is sleeved, and ready to be built into a much more hardened piece than it is now, but I can sure as hell have fun zinging my Civic around at 350+ at the wheels in the meantime. :twisted:




This picture didn't come out as well as I had hoped, but Precision apparently did some pretty major cleaning up of the compressor inlet to smooth things out and get rid of casting marks... Smooth as a baby's bottom!


This is the Stage 3, .63 A/R turbine side. It's approximately 2.25" in diameter, compared to my old turbo's compressor outlet, which was less than 1.75" in diameter.
