HS Economy Stimulus Package

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great idea, have a bunch of jobless potheads staffing the pot industry... they are going to smoke up all of the product before it makes it to market
great idea, have a bunch of jobless potheads staffing the pot industry... they are going to smoke up all of the product before it makes it to market
Pay me minimum wage and I would be happy to maintain a marijauana plantation.
in keeping with the intentions of the thread, if the government has to do something to bail out the econemy. The stimilus should go to another great publics works project. Lets face it, our infsturcture is crumbling. 800bln could employ a lot of people to rebuilt road and bridges. We could update our power grid and build more powerplant (nukes if we could be so luck), because with all the "green" shit going on we will be using more electric. Finnaly get new orleans cleaned up, employ people to tear shit down and start rebuilding. I mean the list could go on and on. If the govt needs to stimulate the econemy there are tons of things to be done at home, employ the unemployed with the 800bln and get it done.
I'm convinced the only reason it hasn't been already is because the best stuff isn't grow here or by our government. That is one area where those crazy Canucks have the edge over us.
I beg to differ....if you think Americans cannot grow pot you should look at who is growing the medical pot for states like California....there growing some of the strongest and best pot thats ever been grown

but I would agree with B...by doing that I could actually see our economy changing
in keeping with the intentions of the thread, if the government has to do something to bail out the econemy. The stimilus should go to another great publics works project. Lets face it, our infsturcture is crumbling. 800bln could employ a lot of people to rebuilt road and bridges. We could update our power grid and build more powerplant (nukes if we could be so luck), because with all the "green" shit going on we will be using more electric. Finnaly get new orleans cleaned up, employ people to tear shit down and start rebuilding. I mean the list could go on and on. If the govt needs to stimulate the econemy there are tons of things to be done at home, employ the unemployed with the 800bln and get it done.

this is a good point too.

unfortunately, nuc energy won't fly right now because of liberals in charge. they are scared-- and with reason.
To me, it's not so much that i'm worried about a meltdown or anything like that-- i'm worried about what you do with the nuclear waste once the rods are spent? It takes 30,000 years for those rods to not be radioactive any more.
What do you do with them? you can't have a nuculear junkyard.

spending them off into space is my suggestion-- unmanned 'dump ship' that goes right into the sun on a one-way trip.
But, what happens if there's an accident ala the challenger in 86? nuclear waste in an explosion of the space station would put us 30 years behind, not to mention kill a ton of people in cape canaverial (sp?) and the surrounding areas.

I don't agree with new orleans. fuck it. leave it destroyed. building cities below sea level is just plain stupid. Move new orleans above sea level. That would be a good plan. but, surely would cost well over 800 bln. lol


so, here's what i would do with 800 bln at my disposal to save USA:

I think using 100 bln for windmills is a good idea. It would emply factory workers to make the blades, towers, metal companies to get the raw material, truckers to deliver, gas/gas stations to fuel said trucks, power line people to wire it all up, computer people to regulate the power, set up grids, etc etc, and all the trickle down effect it would have, such as hotels/etc for the workers to stay in, Joe's lunch being the place for these guys to eat in east bum fuck nebraska, and joe gets his bread from tom's bakery, and tom gets his eggs from someone else... and so on and so on. it will trickle down pretty good for the mid west.

that 100bln just helped 2 million people? maybe more? And the end result is greener, cheaper energy.

700bln to go.

200bln towards roads/highways/bridges.
100 to the interstates to be handeled by the fed's version of the DOT, whatever that is..
100 bln divided 2 bln per state for local/county/state roads to be handeled by the state DOT. Perhaps a more "house of rep" type split is in order here as cali certainly has more roads than rhode island.

500bln to go.

There are 3,141counties/bourgouh/districts in the usa.
build one new shcool per county at a cost of 60 million per school. This may replace a school or simply add another depending on what the state feels is best and where its needed the most. This will offer construction jobs, architecture jobs, new teacher positions, and so on.
cost: 188.5 bln
include a 5 year, 1 million grant per school for books, supplies, utlitiy bills, etc. After those 5 years, a re-assesment can take place to see who still needs funding support.
3141 million X 5 = 15,705
cost: 15.7 bln

295 bln to go

According to this article, Car Dealers Shuttering Showrooms, CBS Evening News: After Detroit's Dreadful Year, Dealers Feel Stronger Pinch - CBS News , there are 20k car dealerships in the usa.
extend each 10million in lines of credit at 1% interest directly, which they must pass to the consumer for EVERY car that gets better than 35mpg/e highway. Set up similar to FHA for houses... first time new car buyers, or something to that effect to encourage folks to buy new cars.

This will help credit issues with car dealerships.

that's 200bln which will earn interest and eventually pay for it self in due time.

95 bln left.

fix small business taxation. See chart:

There's no reason why the middle guy should pay the most. flat this out at 28% across the board. Sure, the little guy gets hurt by this, but if your a small biz making 50k a year, you're doing something wrong, and obviously aren't employing anyone but yourself. This doesn't provide jobs. You don't deserve a tax break.
This will reduce overhead costs, and will allow Joes electronics to compete with walmart's prices.
something like close to 90% of america is employed by small business.

i don't have exact figures, but i imagine that 95bln is MORE than enough to make up for the tax breaks over at least a couple years. By then, regular tax revenue will replace it with more and more business coming to life and making more money because people are spending money again.

voila, america is saved.


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The one thing I disagree with is throwing money at schools. During my last semester in college I taught a Jr. Engineering course to 7th and 8th graders at a Dayton inner city school. The school is brand new, being 3 years old, and employs awesome teachers. They have all sorts of tech gadgets like smart boards and flat screens in every classroom. They also have several mobile computer labs.

Even after Dayton has dumped hundreds of millions into education, they still return some of the lowest test scores in the state. The problem is with the kid's families, and no one, especially the Democrats, want to give the families any accountability.
launching nuclear waste into space isn't cost feasible and like you said, what if a rocket explodes? I don't see why we can't have a massive nuclear waste dump in the middle of the desert.
Even after Dayton has dumped hundreds of millions into education, they still return some of the lowest test scores in the state. The problem is with the kid's families, and no one, especially the Democrats, want to give the families any accountability.
I agree to an extent. But, there are a ton of schools that are literally falling apart, are full of asbestos, etc etc. I think 1 new school per county might spark morale in the chosen community. Again, this will be chosen at the state level, 1 per county. So, this might be a state legislature nightmare of picking who gets it... i dunno. There is a need for funding in education though. Most states are near bankruptcy right now. perhaps this should be, instead of building a new school, relive the 'school tax' on property owners.

launching nuclear waste into space isn't cost feasible and like you said, what if a rocket explodes? I don't see why we can't have a massive nuclear waste dump in the middle of the desert.
because the wind will blow it all around. The desert is constantly changing elevations due to sandstroms, etc.
and still, where do you go? nevada? i don't think nevada is going to be cool with having their state turn into a nuclear dump.

and what if it gets into the underground water supply? the whole country is fucked if that happens.
Grand canyon. Toss it in, forget about it.

I'm sure you've all heard my "fence off arizona and throw all the prisoners in it" bit.. It would go along nicely.
because the wind will blow it all around. The desert is constantly changing elevations due to sandstroms, etc.
and still, where do you go? nevada? i don't think nevada is going to be cool with having their state turn into a nuclear dump.

and what if it gets into the underground water supply? the whole country is fucked if that happens.
That's why you build a proper concrete reinforced structure to house it with structural failure detection and secondary containment failsafes. I work at a goldmine that uses shitloads of cyanide, it can be done.

Grand canyon. Toss it in, forget about it.

I'm sure you've all heard my "fence off arizona and throw all the prisoners in it" bit.. It would go along nicely.
You do realize that there is a huge river running through that which passes through multiple states?
You do realize the possibility of them actually fencing off arizona, tossing all the criminals in and filling the grand canyon with nuclear waste is absofuckinglutely zero?
And once the "stimulus" dries up and there are no more government cheese jobs?...
it's only a stimulus, not a long term fix. The point of it is to stimulate the econemy. If you want a real fix I don't have an answer. How the fuck do we have an econemy based on spending???? Our whole system is shit. Help the econemy recover spend more money you don't have, that's why we're in this shit to begin with.
Let it collapse and start from scratch. Trim the fat, the wastes of humanity that plague our system. Compassion breeds laziness. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Too many dumb and greedy people nowadays. PETA, sensitive people, etc. Let companies die, quit helping people who don't need it! Whatever happened to Freedom to fail.

Nigger Nigger Nigger. Somehow, saying that makes my a racist. Quit crying! When the baby cries, ignore it, and it will eventually fall asleep on its own.
The problem is the Government. Do you know why they can't fix America's businesses? Because they can't operate in the red year after year like the government does. Seriously, in 233 years our "business" has had a surplus, or profit, TWICE.
If I had a time machine he'd be the first person I'd go back and eliminate. Then Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan...
Then I'd go back and make sure the confederacy won to ensure state's rights were predominate over federal power. Then I'd, eh, there's no such thing as a fuckin time machine :(
Or...just keep it two separate countries. That way; you'd have another option besides Mexico or Canada.