HS gear poll

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Crop Dusting
Passing gas in a stealth manor, usually while walking through a crowd or a group, so that someone else gets blamed for the stench, or at the very least people besides the assailant must suffer it.
- The restaurant's so busy tonight that you can get away with crop dusting your own section -

farting while walking; walking while farting;

- i crop dusted my way down the aisle at the grocery store -
Stinky Bastards, this is the most random thread I have ever seen. No thread jacking, it's just fucking random? Crop Dusters Beware, we know what you are up to! *chuckles*
I think we all would like the swag B. Would a Benjamin change your mind? How about Abe Lincoln?
B just told me on AIM that it's not gonna happen because he has too much work to do.

me: so, how's the HS gear coming?

Brian: not

Sent at 11:52 AM on Wednesday

me: why?

Brian: because i'm slammed with work

Moral? Never trust someone who drinks only crown and dislikes cars.
it will happen, just likely not this week. i have 2 clients ready to break my arms :X
B I want your car. I really wish I had the cash. If I break your clients arms for you, will you give it to me? They can't break your arms with broken arms.