Interior help

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Im not sure if this is thecorrect place for this but i was wondering if anyone new the proper way to paint plastice or certain things on the dash... the actuall technic so it doesnt get ruined or come out trashy?
just a little heads up, this site is about things that make your car go fast, spraypainting the dase, well wont. This site is anti rice which includes altezzas, 17's/18's, jumbo spoilers, and ofcourse any changes to interior other than new seats because the old ones are shot. That isabout it. just lookin out for you
or replacing broken interior parts with oem honda parts for your car
ok well, thank s for the heads up but thats not what i asked.. this is not just go fast if it was then ppl wouldnt be posting abt ppls baby pictures or abt there girl friends so talking abt other is obvisouly ok.. i could careless abt altezzas and 17's, but the guy who had the car before me painted everything white and i want it back to black.... so before you go making fag and gay faces ask why first...
actually im far from a ricer.... there nothing rice abt my car...
actually the only thing gay abt thie thread is the fact that ppl are so stuck on this whole ricer kick,granted cars with altezzas and wings look silly, cause some one is trying to save some money and paint over someone elses doing or ppl who likes certain things u dont doesnt make theem or there car gay., it makes you sound stupid... Im done with this board and i know i wont be missed so im sure it doesnt matter....

for all of you who have helpped me with any of my motor decisions thanks... happy posting!!!! :angry: :angry:
Originally posted by crxracing77@Oct 23 2002, 09:26 AM
ok well, thank s for the heads up but thats not what i asked.. this is not just go fast if it was then ppl wouldnt be posting abt ppls baby pictures or abt there girl friends so talking abt other is obvisouly ok.. i could careless abt altezzas and 17's, but the guy who had the car before me painted everything white and i want it back to black.... so before you go making fag and gay faces ask why first...

actually we do tlak about our girls, our cars etc.. and what we think is rice.
BUt we do it in the ANYTHING goes forum. were it's relavent.
Originally posted by crxracing77@Oct 23 2002, 10:43 AM
right thats why this is a misc tech and this is considered misc.... interior is consider misc... well it doesnt matter...

ok, rice and shit aside....

I work at a sign shop and have some good spray painting experience, plus i have airbrush experience as well.

the best way to paint anything is:

1) get the proper paint. i have seen vinyl paint at pep boys...that stuff wont crack from temperature changes cause it expands like vinyl.

2) apply several LIGHT coats. this is importatnt if you dont want the paint to crack later, or drip.

3) test spray a piece of cardboard or something first to figure out how far the can should be from the surface. THIS IS IMPORTANT for a good job. usually 12 - 15 inches is about right. you want to acheive sort of a 60% opacity (40% transparency)

4) Go SIDE to SIDE and OVERLAP YOUR STROKES!! that will keep it from looking like a typical spray paint job. this takes practice.

good luck!! :)
id say carefully sand off the old paint with some 250 grit emery cloth or somethin then clean any oils off with some rubbing alcahol first ... then paint it

but i have to agree this isnt very "tech"
well thanks for the help abt the actual, post.... but dont worry i dont think ill be posting anymore..
hey, sorry about being kinda harsh about your post.
I read it and thought eww rice.
but after you've explained what you were tryin to do. it all makes sense now. it'd be terrible to see ya go.
just my .02
you have to understand that most times when someone posts "how do i paint my interior stuff" ... they usually want to paint it yellow or bright red or some riced out shit like that... its not worth leaving over
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Oct 23 2002, 01:28 PM
id say carefully sand off the old paint with some 250 grit emery cloth or somethin then clean any oils off with some rubbing alcahol first ... then paint it

but i have to agree this isnt very "tech"

oh shit yea! very good point!! gotta prepare the surface. use some cheesecloth to get off the sanded dust, use 200 grit paper or finer even.

if you dont want to sand it, wipe down the surface with some solvent which wont leave a residue. i would use lacquer thinner. do not use turpentine or mineral spirits! those leave an oily residue.

some more tips:

- start and end your strokes outside the area you are painting so you dont get blobs of paint at the edges.

- try stay within 3-5 coats. too much paint can yield big problems like wrinking later on.

- try to do all your coats in one day. masking tape will often start to release after a day..then it wont stick anymore.
regarding all the negative comments, in retrospect, it would have been a good idea to tell them that you wanted to paint your interior black to cover the white. everyone assumes you want to paint it yellow or something..and asking for rice tips here is like wearing an "i love satan" t-shirt to church on sunday.