Is my clutch bad?

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I have a 1990 Honda civic SI.
I believe it is a cable clutch, Latley it has been slipping worse and worse in first gear. Some times it is so bad that i really cant accelerate for $*!%. I would think this means it is going out on me but some time it grips great so i am very confused. I'm not hearing any wierd sounds or grinds, Just geting bad slip some times. Is there any way to tighten my clutch? my mechanic told me it is self adjusting. Thanks

if there is any way to tighten my clutch i would really appreciate the advice.
your mechanic is a douche

there is a cable going to the arm in the trans...
look in your engine bay between the radiator and the trans

you can unscrew the big plastic "nut" if you think the clutch cable is preventing the pressure plate from clamping all the way but my guess is your clutch is toast...

how many miles on the car?

and when it starts slipping ease off the gas before you glaze whatever's left of the disc to shit...
the car has 100k miles on it and im pretty sure its the same clutch. You're prolly right and its probably just toasted. Thanx for the advice.