My 79 1200

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relax guys hes making tens and tens of dollars


ballin out of control!!
and a muffler that looks like it came from pep boys or the like.

Yeah, seriously, wtf? That muffler looks terrible. You can just slap a muffler that you thought looked cool sitting on a shelf on to a have to think about how it will look on the car...
:lmao: You guys were right. Keep him around. These moments are too priceless.

Especially when the butt buddy gets in the mix right before he posts a gem like that.
couldnt get me banned if you tried, I havent stepped out of line to be banned, if anything a few of you guys need your reigns checked and lay off the douchbaggery
you realize this is a privately owned website.

we can ban you anytime we want.
for any reason we want.
You're making all this big money, we're calling bullshit on what you're getting paid...

Post a pic of one of your paychecks, now that you're making bank. Put everyone in their place.

Do it, pussy.
It's like watching a kid with MS get bullied by the football team. Ugh.
That's cold. My football team befriended and protected a handful of special needs kids. We picked on the lying, shit talking, D-bags that never knew when to shut up.
couldnt get me banned if you tried, I havent stepped out of line to be banned, if anything a few of you guys need your reigns checked and lay off the douchbaggery

Lest you forget, you're that guy that lied about...well, everything. I'm not sure why you keep coming back here thinking that one day everyone will suddenly respect you... :shrug2:
Ok it's like watching a lying braggart get tormented by his classmates, which I don't feel so bad about. Fuck you dick freckles you give classic Hondas a bad name.
Claims he makes money, can't replace a $10 headlight.