My own Breakfast

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Wow man. Why the hate ?

You do know that I can completely destroy you, right ?
No hate. Having fun. Just people who chime in on other people conversations kind of bug me. You can defend youself just fine and have doing so.

Like destroy, destroy? Or just like mildly destroy, like the phazers just nicked the side of my head.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'll be long gone
When the police dogs find you

Now, can the frat boy bullshit or piss the fuck off.
No hate. Having fun. Just people who chime in on other people conversations kind of bug me. You can defend youself just fine and have doing so.

Like destroy, destroy? Or just like mildly destroy, like the phazers just nicked the side of my head.

This is an open thread that you just jumped in on. And from the sound of it, you were being unnecessarily dickish. Didn't sound like it was all in good fun to me. :confused:

You People crack me up.

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
Was that a threat on my life
If so the cops are already onto you.

This is kind of fun.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Celerity already cut your phone lines
And I'm coming over there to fist you
I haven't read that many words since I fake read Where the Red Fern Grows in the 3rd grade.
:lmao: awesome.

Wait am I talking to a guy who went two years without sex? Holy shit. I would of humped a hole in a tree or something.

I would have bet money that you would.

there was that guy with the picnic table.... :shrug2:

pipin in from the estrogen camp - no, all guys don't need to write all girls poetry. it's nice to have in the arsenal though; it shows diversity, and it also takes the things that make us human up a notch from the things that prove us animals. and, that's not to say that a chick that digs poetry doesn't also want it doggy with her hair pulled. we're strange and varied people. that's part of the fun.
The stains on your shirt are going to be red
Your face will be black and blue
if you don't shut your fucking mouth
someone is going to put you out of your misery.

@Uncle Cel: So, did you call her yet?
@Uncle Cel: So, did you call her yet?
No, I'll call her when I get out of work. I'm into dropping things for people, but I DO still expect an apology.

I mean there is another goth 18 year old in the hopper still. Only this one lacks brains and accels in manners.
The stains on your shirt are going to be red
Your face will be black and blue
if you don't shut your fucking mouth
someone is going to put you out of your misery.

@Uncle Cel: So, did you call her yet?

Was this directed at me or him or both of us. :eek:
, that's not to say that a chick that digs poetry doesn't also want it doggy with her hair pulled. we're strange and varied people. that's part of the fun.

So if I meet that chick I can invite Celerity over and we can tag her.

I have found older chicks is were its at man. My wife is 4 years older than me and really since I became single I never really spoke to any female under the age of 30. Just seems they are less of the head games type and more of the lets figure out life together.
well hey, at least that's fixable. i mean, you know...exorcism. it worked so well for linda blair...:shrug2:
We went on a tour of graveyards in my area. She can't feel anything, doesn't really get it.
She doesn't look me in the eye
Booze makes her violent. I have to ground her regularly.
I can't get near her
She forgets she told me things a few weeks ago
And she lies / doesn't know what she's doing.

Why am I still hung up on this chick ?
Oh, and she dabbles in pseudo-voodoo and black magic.

Kinda hard for most people here to grasp, but remember when I said "I have more goth in my farts than she does in her whole life" ? I studied parapsychology long ago, got involved in the occult and am pretty well known in my area for it.