Sharing One Secret With You Guys :)

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Senior Member
Ok, if you have an EG, just wanted to metion that when i got mine i hated the fact that it only had one sideview mirror. And so i wanted two. Went to a scrap yard and they tried to rip me off for two sideviews (wouldn't sell them seperate) so i had two choices.

1)get some aftermarket shitty faux wannabe M3 mirros


2)save up and get some Vision sideviews

but then i started to use what my college education gave me, thinking outside the box.

I wondering if I could fit EK side views on an EG, so i bought some from a buddy for like 50bucks because he put those damn ugly M3 side views on his ride, and i managed to get them to fit, and it came about awesome.

I used to have pics on the internet but not anymore, but i just wanted to share this with you guys just in case you run into the same problem as I did. And I am not sure if this is still a unknown thing, but anways..........
