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i'm not trying to thread jack but my old lady was my best friend for about 3 years before we "got involved"

side note: never ever get involved with a lady friend...

needless to say she knew about my past, and all the girls while me and her were just friends...
she's got a huge prob regarding me and other girls...
to the point that a chick comes on tv in a bikini and she's staring at me like i;m cheating on her cause i saw some chicks body...
i always get in trouble if we go somewhere cause apparently i am always checking out some hot blonde's ass or something...

i had every single bang bus episode burned on cd's in high res...
yea, she found em... broke em one at a time...

lets just say she's got issues, but i dunno about having me on a lease...
if by lease you mean she doesn't like me checking out other girls then why yes sir, you are correct...
does she at least put out enough to make it worthwhile?

cause if not, that bitch would be finding someone else to leech off of.
well come on now. he's said before that she expects expensive gifts and pays for virtually nothing toward the household, even though she has a job too.

It's only right for her to provide alternate forms of compensation - especially if she's got his nuts in a vise like that.
Yea that is very good ground for such a reimbursment!
so this is the wifey were talking about?
cause if she wasnt and I were him... someone would be getting put out on their ass!
if i found those cd's i'd ask why you were hiding them and not sharing the wealth, y0.

that's f'd up. that's just me though...

i was wondering why recked never talked to me anymore.
okay, i been at work all day, and there has been enough tech to keep me occupied on breaks. SOOO

i say yall all the time, and no one on the board ever mentions it

a cut down is an insult

and holy shit someone needs a new gf....unless she is an amazing lay...then he just needs to get her to support herself....cause thats just wrong.