Take it easy on me Im a newbie :)

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maybe so, but it would be considered free porn for me. i don't want to take the time to download it...
lol, i just laugh at bang bus.

Random Chick with Attitude: You dont know who youre fucking with.

*Cock slap*
shit, I just jack off too it.
jacking off is just for guys too ugly to get laid on their own....

it had to be said, im sorry.
hahaha... werd. i'm glad you can take a joke, bro. and where'd that new chick go? she get all mad that people saw her on myspace or what?
lol if i couldnt, b woulda run me off a LONG time ago.

Shes still around...DFW. Giggidy :)
lol...especially when it was under EXTREME construction. I like 5 minutes from DFW. If i go smoke on the roof i have to shut my window so the planes dont wake up my grama.
ouch...i remember American Beauty...Ill go with that too.

"Jacking off is just for guys too ugly to get laid on their own....and married guys (god rest their souls)"
does she at least put out enough to make it worthwhile?
yea, i've got no complaints there...
she'd prob be able to help out on the bills if her lingerie budget wasn't so high...
and she didn't have a brand new f'in car with a fat payment...
but i also made her responsible for the food budget, and i tend to eat a bit, so i think its a little more fair now...

so this is the wifey were talking about?
"wifey"? yes - wife? HELL NO...

marriage is the gay...

bang bus is gay
i would have to agree, but when i was in school they were the funniest thing i had ever seen...

lol, i just laugh at bang bus.

Random Chick with Attitude: You dont know who youre fucking with.

*Cock slap*