the mayan's were right? 2012=end

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I read an article that sugessted the accelerator wouldnt create one large black hole, but rather a bunch of microscopic ones that would travel to the center of the earth and accumulate until they swallowed the earth. I dont understand that shit, but I wanna know what you guys think of that.
I read an article that sugessted the accelerator wouldnt create one large black hole, but rather a bunch of microscopic ones that would travel to the center of the earth and accumulate until they swallowed the earth. I dont understand that shit, but I wanna know what you guys think of that.
No kidin?

I know this, but obvioulsy the theory has a basis, which I wanna know more about.
I read an article that sugessted the accelerator wouldnt create one large black hole, but rather a bunch of microscopic ones that would travel to the center of the earth and accumulate until they swallowed the earth. I dont understand that shit, but I wanna know what you guys think of that.

A "microscopic" black hole, if the gravity compressing it were released, would probably explode to the size of Texas. To compare, if the Sun were to turn into a black hole, it would be the size of a baseball. In order to create such a black hole, you'd need more than a stream of near lightspeed protons... you'd need that much matter to begin with.
A "microscopic" black hole, if the gravity compressing it were released, would probably explode to the size of Texas. To compare, if the Sun were to turn into a black hole, it would be the size of a baseball. In order to create such a black hole, you'd need more than a stream of near lightspeed protons... you'd need that much matter to begin with.

Ahh, I think I understand. So, the machine just doesnt have the power to do what they are worried about it doin?
Ahh, I think I understand. So, the machine just doesnt have the power to do what they are worried about it doin?

No. Black holes stretch physics to the breaking point.

A black hole is a hunk of matter so densely packed together that its gravitational force is so extreme that not even light can escape. Think about that... bending light with gravity.

Again, a comparison: Find a book. Pick it up. Now as you hold that book in your hand realize that you are exerting more force upon that book than all the mass comprising the entire Earth combined. Gravity is an extremely weak force, and in order to exert what we would call a noticeable pull requires HUGE amounts of matter. Jupiter's gravitational force is so strong that it stretches to Earth and Venus, yet so weak that it does not affect us. You exert a gravitational force, although so weak that it makes no difference. All matter exerts a gravitational force... this is one of the mechanisms that built the solar system from dust and hunks of rock the size of your fist over four and a half billion years.

Now, if all the matter comprising the Earth can't keep you from picking up a book off a table or us from launching probes to the outer edges of the solar system, think of how much matter would be needed to create a gravitational field so strong that if you get too close, you have literally a zero percent chance of escaping it...



Ahh, I think I understand. So, the machine just doesnt have the power to do what they are worried about it doin?

unless there is truth in the theory that the "strangelets" that could possibly be created in this particle accelerator, could "in theory" combine with and convert any matter they were to come in contact with into a larger more stable "strangelet" snowballing until it destroys the entire universe.... in theory of course :)
string theory all the way!

No, but really, the likelyhood of such a small scale experiment that has obviously had the research put into it to make sure it wouldn't be catastrophic failing or creating a "black hole" is so unrealistic it's not funny.
+128793827 to celerity for the futurama reference, LMAO
this should be moved to nws now,,but i saw something like this a few years ago they said it would work no problem and what they said made since. they said that could make a star also but in order for it to work 100% it would have to be done in outer space
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Lets not fuck with gravity, stars and blackholes. Some things man just should not play with. Lets figure out how to save the planet, invent a non polluting unlimited gasoline type fuel, master intergalactic travel and get our sorry asses off earth and pimp some alien babes on a new planet.

"We have failed to uphold Brannigan's Law. However I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?" - Captain Zapp Brannigan
Lets not fuck with gravity, stars and blackholes. Some things man just should not play with. Lets figure out how to save the planet, invent a non polluting unlimited gasoline type fuel, master intergalactic travel and get our sorry asses off earth and pimp some alien babes on a new planet.

"We have failed to uphold Brannigan's Law. However I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?" - Captain Zapp Brannigan

Well in order to a advance we must do experiments like these. It does not directly apply to fuel and making things cheap for you, but until we do the experiment we do not know what it is going to have an impact on.

Plus we already have a lot of people working on alternative fuels and what not. When was the last time you saw someone try and find the Higgs Boson particle?
If they don't know what the experiment is going to have an impact on, then why would they conduct it? Call me a crazy engineer, but I'm pretty sure when asking for funding of something of this magnitude and expense, you have to prove why it would be useful.

Approval Board: "so what will we be able to gain from this research?"
Lyn: "not too sure, but it should be fun to smash some fucking photons together!"
more speedy atmoizer thingggeeeier, known to cause cancer in california


yeah but B. everything that california test's is now known to cause cancer. Substitute sugar, causes cancer. if they can prove it to cause cancer somehow. they'll do their best to make it known. Not trying to offend you by the way.
The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, is the largest and most complex machine ever made and is expected to revamp modern physics by smashing together particles in a bid to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang.

umm... im not a scientist, and i didnt really pay attention in science. but if i remember correctly.. um... wasnt the "big bang" a large explosion that created everything like.... millions and millions of years ago? .... so why do these moron wants to create it... again. IF it even happened.....
conditions 1 billionth of a second after the universe was created. They are looking for the particles which can create matter from nothing (among other things).