thoughts on ephedra?

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Originally posted by jiahanhao@Nov 2 2003, 07:15 AM
meal replacement shakes.. simple as that...

however, I don't think lifting is the way to go if you want to lose weight, I've gained 20 lbs. since I started lifting...

yeah but you had to have gained 20 lbs of Muscle, which is a GOOD thing. Muscle weighs more than fat as well. So you have more of a massive look than you would with the fat.

muscle ownz. I wish I wasn't lazy so I could work out.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Nov 1 2003, 02:08 AM
christ this thread got off topic.

I'm looking for a SUPPLEMENT to my diet and workout routine. nothing more. I'm not looking to live off a pill. I'm not looking for an upper, something to give me energy, or something to enoucourage my workout. I'm looking for something that will aid in burning fat as i work them.
As of right now, the best suggestion you folks have given me is water. :doh:

drink plenty of water

eat lots of fiber (fruits, vegetables, high-fiber cereals)

your diet should be about 30% high-quality protein (eggs, milk, fish, beef)

eat 5 or 6 SMALL meals a day instead of 3 big ones.

place your emphasis on cardio training. try to train both cardio AND weights in each workout. doing your cardio FIRST. its been proven that you will burn more calories AFTER your workout that way.

stay away from sodas, coffee, sugary foods, alcohol.


damn. i should be doing all that shit too.
seriously if you want to lose weight then your going to have to change your diet, cut out soda and have a set workout plan. 40 mins of cardio 3-5 days a week will be the way to go. ephedra stuff will just be a quick loss and not permanent.
Originally posted by jeffie7@Oct 31 2003, 09:36 PM

my normal was


I would also do Abs twice a week say... tue and fri once agian they need time to heal!!!!!!

B at first you will be sore for 3-4 days after working out I find that to be a great feeling you learn to like it since you KNOW you are working the body parts you wanted and you also know when you can rework that part of your body

after about 3-4 weeks of it your body will get use to it and you will not get sore anymore unless you change up your workout plan

B just keep at it keep a good meal plan drink TONS of water even if you hate it you will have to learn to love it I don't care what people think water will help you loose weight and also keep your system clean

if you keep a good meal plan, and work out 4-6 times aweek you might not see it at first but I bet after 4-6 weeks you will start to see a differance

in my books you just started working out as of this week since you stoped working out the last two weeks

tisk tisk.....

haha your workout was wrong. Chest day has like 30% triceps. If you are doing triceps for an entire day, and then chest day the next day, all your looking to do is ruin your triceps, which are one of the muscles most susceptable to over-training.


:werd: on the abs thing though. If your doing abs, or any muscle for that matter, every single day, your an idiot. And by "doing" them, I mean a strength workout. It's not the same as running everyday where your legs and calfs get worked as a side effect. NO muscle should be worked every day.

And also, being sore becomes your goal after a while, it makes you know that you are getting a workout. Drink as much water as you can and you HAVE to make sure your getting the right nutrition. Just be careful, because if your trying to lose weight, your goals are different. If your doing mass training in the gym, msucle weight gain will counter fat loss. You want to be eating slim, probably taking hydroxycut or ephedra, and doing alot of cardio (EVERY day).
It's just like workin on cars. Theres no quick and easy way if you want to do it right. Just like some have said before me: exercise, cardio, healthy eating. (Go Subway!!)