WTB: 92-95 Civic hatch carpet

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New Member
I've got a car with a gutted interior that I'm trying to slowly bring back to daily driver status and so to start things off, I need some carpet for this EG hatch. Any carpet will do as long as it has the holes pre-cut, I really don't want to have to deal with figuring out where to cut the holes. Any color will do and as long as it doesn't smell like cat pee, I want to know about it. :)
i know it's completely irrelevant that i make this statement. . . but. . .

i have complete trunk carpeting for the eg coupe, don't know if the hatch carpeting is the same. heres a pic. ..


oh and it DOESN'T smell like cat piss :)

if you're interested, let me know!
Though I haven't compared them side by side, the part numbers are different so I'm guessing they don't swap easily. Thanks anyway.