Who's at work doing nothing?

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i'm building an amazon.com store for a client.

to get the products up there, there needs to be a Feed with the proper info attached to it so amazon can sort it and what not so that when you go to XYZ product, and you get the "From 9.99 at 5 stores" our store comes up :)
Took the day off today, lucky me. Woke up at 2 didn't feel like working so stayed home and did some work on my ride
hello hs, little late checking in, the k is sitting in the car. i am wiring more shit.
that shit sucks when you get a big floater. i had to throw a big wad of TP ontop of one the other day to get it to flush. damn mcdonalds makin my shit float. im gonna sue their asses next time.
god knows im not. i dont have to answer emails for the rest of the day, so its just ticket management for the rest of the day.
i took a poop yesterday, and when i went to flush it.... the poop tried to go down the hole horizontally... i was worried it wasnt gonna go down.
i took a poop yesterday, and when i went to flush it.... the poop tried to go down the hole horizontally... i was worried it wasnt gonna go down.

haha, like a big brown crayon making skids all the way around
dude, mine did the same thing. effing crazy.
wtf... so an application .exe file just disappeared off my server
what in the holy hell
reinstalling now but what the fuck
how does a file just disappear leaving all shortcuts pointing to nothing...
I'm doing nothing.... really should be doing something though... like training. Ya know, so I know how to do the job and get paid later. That would be nice.
you're screwed now.... you have just entered the ultimate time blower :p

And my poo was good. i feel much better now.
Whatever keeps me sane at work. They block most of my favorite webcomic sites, so I just about had an aneurysm and passed out
im suprised they havent blocked me from this site. ive got a shit load of server moves that havent been touched in nearly a month.
waiting for UPS.. wantin some ganj to pass the time