The HS workout thread...

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Honda Enthusiast
Hi all,

I thought about making this an "official" thread on here but who the hell am I to make anything official? Anywho, the object of this thread is to discuss working out, post your workouts, goals, pictures, nutritional habits...etc. etc. I also encourage you to post your supplements and any questions you may have about supplements, working out, nutrition...etc. etc. part deux. I'm not an expert and am sure that there are a lot more knowledgeable people on here that know a lot more about working out, nutrition, supplements and routines than I but I am more than willing to help and encourage. With that said...LET THE WORKOUT THREAD BEGIN!!! :D

Here goes my workout/nutrition log. I'll try to update it everyday. It's a great idea to do this as it will help you hold yourselves everyone else can give you crap if you start to slack or eat like crap. haha

Monday 3-30 Chest, back and abs Started 13:20 End 15:10

Close grip push-ups 3sets of12
Bent over double DB row 20lbs-12reps, 30-10, 50-8
Wide push-ups 3 sets of 12
DB Pullovers 30lbs-12, 30-10, 35-10
Inc DB press 30-12, 35-10, 35-10
Bent over back flies 25-12, 25-10, 25-10
Resistance band anatomical raises Green-12, Black-10, Red-10
Seated row w/bands Red-12, Blue-12, Black-12
Decline flies w/supernation (turning the dumbbells in to work the lower chest more) 15-12, 20-10, 20-10 Superset with DB Row
DB Row 32-12, 50-10, 50-10
Abs reverse crunches 3-20, crunches 3-20, bicycle kicks 3-100

Monday's intake:
Meal 1-Protein shake 46grams with water and flaxseed.(I always have my protein with water) NO Shotgun
Meal 2 same as first meal post workout.
Meal 3-Half a turkey, roast beef and lean ham sandwich with lettuce, tomato, oil and vinegar.
Meal 4- same as meal two.
Meal 5- Banana
Meal 6-Protein shake with flaxseed.
I use protein a lot whenever I don't have much food at home, which is the case this week. It helps substitute a meal.

Tuesday 3-31 Biceps, triceps and shoulders
Straight bar curls 40-12, 50-10, 50-10
Bench dips using body weight 3-12
Shoulder press 15-12, 25-10, 35-8
Double standing DB curls 20-12, 25-10, 30-8
Front raises 15-12, 20-10, 20-10
EZ curl bar curls 40-12, 50-10, 60-8
French press 20-12, 30-10, 40-10
Side lat DB raises 15-12, 15-10, 15-8
Incline DB hammer curls 20-12 double, 20-10single, 20-8single
DB kickbacks 20-12, 25-10, 30-10
Straight bar raises (I can't for the life of me remember the actual name of this exercise. It works your traps/front delts. You grab the bar in a close grip form and pull it up where it's even with your shoulders as your elbows flare out. Rep to anyone that can remind my stupid ass the name of this exercise. It's freakin' killing me that I forgot.) 20-12, 30-10, 40-10
Concentration curls 15-12, 20-10, 20-10
Single overhead french press? (Yet another exercise I can't remember the name of. It's where you have the dumbbell in your hand and your arm is bent at a ninety degree angle behind your head. It's kind of like a kickback of sorts.) 15-12, 15-10, 15-10
DB shrugs 50-12, 50-10, 50-10 I did these really slowly because 50lbs. is not enough for me. I used to do these at the gym with an olympic bar and 225lbs. When done slowly it tends to work you more. It's all that I can do for now until I bust out my SelectTech's and start using those.

Tuesday intake:
Meal 1-Protein shake with flaxseed and NO Shotgun.
Meal 2-Protein shake with flaxseed.
Meal 3-About a fourth to half a cup of brown rice with red beans and four small chicken breast medallions.
Meal 4-Same as meal three but with black beans.
Meal 5- A HUGE spinach salad with less than half a cup of reduced fat feta cheese and extra virgin olive oil.
Meal 6-Protein shake.

I do my best to pre-plan my meals and though I have not had a full days worth of meals I know that this is exactly what I will be eating for the rest of the day.

Overall I had two good workouts. At the end of today's I wish I would have done more as far as more weight but I just started working out regularly on Monday, after an inconsistent six to seven months of working out sporadically.

My starting weight is 219.4. It seems kind of high to me in a number way but as far as losing inches off my waist I have already gone down another notch since I REALLY starting concentrating on my eating again at the beginning of the year. I'm a size 34/35 now and am on the second to last notch of my belt. :thumbsup:
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I like your routine there- looks like a lot of fun. Although the whole thing reminds me of this video....

YouTube - My New Haircut
"Everyone should see how jacked and tan I am"

I'll post my thing up soon- although its nothing like yours.
i dont work out too seriously anymore, but i used to.

back in high school when i played basketball, i had at least 6 hours a day of physical activity.
i would love to get back in to that, but i had almost no time for anything else.
anyway, i read endless articles about techniques, set/rep schemes, special exercises and so on.
i also tried most of them.

im going to share what i discovered, this is the best routine ive ever done.
this schedule is for gaining muscle. if you just want to tone or lose weight, do more reps with less weight.
at every workout, i would work two completely unrelated, specific muscles and every other workout i would throw in some time for small, irrelevant muscles such as forearms, shins, ankles ect..

before you lift anything, it is essential to warm up and stretch, IN THAT ORDER.
remember, warm up to stretch, dont stretch to warm up.
how ever you choose to warm up, make sure its not strenuous to your muscles. a good warm up should include your entire body, but will take more stamina then strength.
the best way to warm up according to "Bigger Faster Stronger", which is a nationally renound athletic training program is called a dot drill. excellent for conditioning, coordination and warming up.
YouTube - Agility Dot Drill - Footwork Drill - Exercise Tips & Ideas
i was a power forward/center and i was doing that faster than most of the point guards on my team, the same ones that are now on a full ride scholarship at state colleges. perfecting the dot drill resulted in me getting up and down the court faster than the majority of players on either team, and insured that i had a great work out. the last step makes me kinda dizzy sometimes, so sometimes id skip it or just repeat the first step again.
if youre just starting out, just do 1 dot drill. if youre pretty fit, go for 2 or 3.

i would usually do three exercises per muscle, at least one of them being a compound exercise to work out a closely related muscle.

the basic idea is to lift more weight with less reps.
before you start lifting, you have to find out whats the most weight you can lift once for each exercise.
the rep scheme for the first exercise would be:
12 reps at about half or a little more than half of your max.
rest a few minutes or for a really intense workout, do a superset of the other muscle youre working. a superset is basically doing one exercise, then between that set and your next, you do an exercise that doesnt relate to the muscle worked in the first set.
then after your rest or superset, do 10 reps with about 10-15% more weight.
how much you add is really something you have to figure out because you know your body and limits better than i do. if youre lifting quite a bit of weight, 10-15% of half your max should be good.
then rest or superset. if you superset, you still should rest a few minutes afterwards.
then do 8 reps at about 75% of your max.
now you want to load up your max if you think you can put it up 4-6 times. if not, just do about 90% of your max.
max out 4-6 times. if you can lift it 6 times, do it. if not, shoot for at least 4.
rest. probably shouldnt superset at this point.
again, max the weight out doing 4-6 reps. try to do more weight than the first time you maxed out if you can.

thats the first exercise of one muscle group.
now, the second exercise.

you want to use the same ratios of weight as in the first exercise. this time, youre first set will only be 10 reps.
8 reps.
4-6 reps.
4-6 reps.

the last work out you should be able to use higher ratios of the weights because youll be doing a compound exercise, so you have more muscles to help you out.

8 reps.
8 reps.
8 reps.
max out 4-6.

and you can follow the same scheme for the other muscle group. - #1 Exercises Guide - Over 300 Exercises!
use that page to find out what exercises you should do for what muscles and groups.
select whichever ones you like best. - #1 Stretching Guide! Pictures And Video!
use that to find good stretches. make sure to stretch every muscle that might be pushing weight.
hold each stretch for about 30 seconds, depending on the stretch and how well you do it, and do each one about 3 times.

i would drink a protein shake about half an hour before a workout and directly after a workout.
i would workout 4-5 days a week, never working out the same muscles two days in a row, but usually the same muscles at least twice a week, then those muscles would rest the next week. just make sure to switch it up from time to time.

doing that for a few months made me into a 5'11'', 190 lb freshman/sophmore in high school with below 8% body fat. i could bench 200 lbs, curl 100 lbs, squat about 500(never really got a chance to max out because i ran out of weights. lol), leg press 800 and dead lift 400.
i also did plyometrics using special plyometric shoes and workouts that gave me a 30 inch vertical.
its ok, i can only do like 9 now.

i used to do 3 sets of 20 with a garden hose hanging from a beam in my garage.
1. because it was a great workout for my back, forearms and overall grip.
2. because i was poor, but motivated to work out.
these were the medicine balls that i used..

basketballs filled with sand.
my wrist roller for my forearms..

and my wobble board for my ankles..
*100 PushUps Routine ~ Mon, Wed, Fri
one hundred push ups

5 mile run ~ Mon, Wed, Fri
2-3 mile run ~ Tue, Thu
?? mile run~ Sat
Rest ~ Sun
(I really like to run)

Back & Biceps ~ Fri
Chest & Triceps ~ Sat
Legs ~ Sun
Shoulders, Back, Chest ~ Mon

My Ab routine will mix in on weight training days. I don't have much of a set routine in place; my boredom and focus is hard to control when you work out alone (I still swear by this- no comradery in the Air Force)

I start light with reps of 12 and drop down to reps of 6 with the weight increasing gradually. I am trying to mix my workout with working days since it all blends well.
I will get more hardcore with things when I deploy (coming up in June - woot)
As far as diet is concerned, I try to watch the red meats and switched over to more chicken products and tapping into my old vegetarian ways.
Protein drinks are replacing my dinners seeing as how I will hit the gym after work and its light on the stomach before work.

I currently weigh in at 196, I'm 6'2.
Looking to drop down to 180 lbs and build muscle mass. Will post pics whenever I stop being lazy and get waxed (I inherited my fathers wolfman genes)
:thumbsup: in for the pix :D

As soon as I get them I will post. :D I'm also going to try and post pics of my "workout area" aka my room. It looks awful right now because my freakin' Crossbow (it's just like a Bowflex) isn't put together yet. I haven't had time. I'm just using dumbbells, my incline/decline bench and resistance bands. Woo!
I like your routine there- looks like a lot of fun. Although the whole thing reminds me of this video....

YouTube - My New Haircut
"Everyone should see how jacked and tan I am"

I'll post my thing up soon- although its nothing like yours.

Man, I love that damn video. It freakin' kills me. hahaha

On a side note, I'm glad to see that you guys are posting your routines on here. Wow! That's some good stuff. For a second there I thought I would be the only one using this thread. haha I need to sleep now so I can workout later. Today is leg and abs day, which really sucks 'cause my right knee is KILLING ME! I'll talk more about that later. Off to bed now. :D
Wednesday Legs and Abs
DB squats 25-12- 3-12, 35-12 I did all of these reps VERY slowly as one, I wanted to get the most out of them and two, my knees, especially my right knee is not in the greatest condition. My doctor told me to stay away from leg extensions and believe it or not, squats. I HAD to do something and alas, this was all I was able to do. I feel like shit that it was all I was able to do but I have to be REALLY careful. I work at the UPS airport, pushing and moving their aircans and unloading their planes and that takes a HUGE toll on my knee. That is really my leg workout. It's more than I thought I would be able to do because of the pain.

My ab workout was good.
Leg raises 3-30
Oblique crunches 3-30
Bicycle kicks 3-200...I did these mostly for some type of cardio.
Plank 1-1:00min. 2-1:30min.

I tried to keep everything going and keep my heart rate up as much as I could during the workout, supersetting a bit with the squats as much as I could. I would do one of each of the ab exercises, back to squats and so on and so forth.

Wednesday intake:
Meal 1-Shake with flaxseed and NO Shotgun
Meal 2-Brown rice with black beans, steamed vegetables with steamed chicken.
Meal 3-Steamed chicken with steamed brocolli.
Meal 4-Steamed chicken with steamed brocolli again...I hope.
Meal 5-Five to six egg whites.
Meal 6-Shake with flaxseed.

It was definitely not the greatest workout day under the circumstances but I am glad that I at least did SOMETHING! I'll be sure to pick it back up tomorrow. I'm hoping that it will work out for me that I get to do at least 20 hard minutes of cardio the days that I do not work at UPS. The only type of cardio that doesn't hurt as much is hitting the elliptical, though my knee snaps, crackles and pops at times. I just compensate a bit with my left knee which is not great but it is the only thing I can do for now.
my knees do the same thing whenever i climb stairs - they don't hurt, but they're loud enough to hear and it sucks - makes me feel like i'm 90.. what the hell? anyone know anything i can do to strengthen them or make it stop? :D
you guys are making me depressed.... i cant work out due to back problems. maybe one day ill be able to again. i like keeping it simple... dumbbell excercises, pushups (perfect pushup thing is great), pull ups. its sad, i weigh about 10 lbs less than i did 2 years ago and my waist is 1-2" bigger. i need a new back....
you guys are making me depressed.... i cant work out due to back problems. maybe one day ill be able to again. i like keeping it simple... dumbbell excercises, pushups (perfect pushup thing is great), pull ups. its sad, i weigh about 10 lbs less than i did 2 years ago and my waist is 1-2" bigger. i need a new back....

You can't do PT? My back used to bother me daily until I started seeing the chiropractor, doing PT and working out. Now it is feeling great. You should look into it. What exactly is the diagnosis?
Monday: 13 corona lights, 12 coffee, one water
Tuesday: 12 coffee and 3 water
Wednesday: 10 corona lights, 10 coffee, 2 water
Thursday: 12 coffee, 2 water, just cracked the 4th corona light, still have 2 hours left to drink.

E is right on the money with this one, dacheat. Glucosamine acts like a "lubricant" for your joints and will probably help you out with your knee problems. My doctor prescribed Naproxen for mine and I am waiting for my Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM to come in. Perhaps that will help me out more, though nowadays, not to sound negative, I have my doubts it will do that much. Still I'm going to try it again.

you guys are making me depressed.... i cant work out due to back problems. maybe one day ill be able to again. i like keeping it simple... dumbbell excercises, pushups (perfect pushup thing is great), pull ups. its sad, i weigh about 10 lbs less than i did 2 years ago and my waist is 1-2" bigger. i need a new back....

What kind of back problems do you have? When I started working out in 2003 I weighed 242lbs. as I was going through eight months of back therapy. I then decided one day to lose weight and three months later I had dropped 20lbs. without realizing it. After that I started working out seven days a week...though at the time I did not know it was too much. Anywho, I lost 52lbs. by myself and it REALLY helped my back a lot. I also made sure to workout my abs so that my back could be strengthened which again, helped out tremendously.

Had it not been for my trainer who had me re-gain 40lbs. so that I could gain mass I would still be hovering around 190 right now.

I'm really curious to know what is wrong with your back and hence, hindering you from working out. Also, how is your nutritional intake? It sounds like you are not having that much of a problem working out if you are doing those exercises. Perhaps you are just not being consistent?

Monday: 13 corona lights, 12 coffee, one water
Tuesday: 12 coffee and 3 water
Wednesday: 10 corona lights, 10 coffee, 2 water
Thursday: 12 coffee, 2 water, just cracked the 4th corona light, still have 2 hours left to drink.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Man, I wish I could rep you again. That is AWESOME!!!! :bo:

On a side note, I think I just started my period because my breasts are tender. Then again it could be because of my chest workout on Monday too. :dunno: I'm too young to be pregnant so I hope it's just the fact that I started working out again. Today is going to be chest and back and I am contemplating adding abs too. I'm also going to try and do cardio, something which I really miss having the time for.
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I carry a 25 pound tool pouch with me into almost every job, sometimes with a ladder, drill case and/or boxes of wire at the same time. I get up on that ladder twisting and turning and pulling wire.

Then I get into my WORK VAN and reach for my cigarettes (thats a strain in itself). Oh, sometimes my work out includes reaching for my soda bottle and bringing that damn thing ALL THE WAY to my lips.

I'm usually tired after that.

As you can tell, I don't work out. I'd like to, but I'm just too damn lazy for that.
I carry a 25 pound tool pouch with me into almost every job, sometimes with a ladder, drill case and/or boxes of wire at the same time. I get up on that ladder twisting and turning and pulling wire.

Then I get into my WORK VAN and reach for my cigarettes (thats a strain in itself). Oh, sometimes my work out includes reaching for my soda bottle and bringing that damn thing ALL THE WAY to my lips.

I'm usually tired after that.

As you can tell, I don't work out. I'd like to, but I'm just too damn lazy for that.

i carry a 25 pound tool pouch with me everywhere i go.

p.s. you should have only capitalized van.
when you type it "WORK VAN" instead of "work VAN", it makes people think you drive a van outside of work and talk about the two so often that you have to emphasize which one youre talking about one.