Atrocious spelling and grammar

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Well-Known Member
Okay, I'll start off by saying that we're obviously not in a school or work environment where our writing is going to be graded...

With that said, can some people pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase use spell/grammar check or simply slow down and logically think before posting a thread? Some of the threads on here lately are written so horribly and in such jibberish that its extremely difficult to comprehend what one is trying to say.

If you take the time to make the post and make it right, your question might just be understood a little bit better and as a result the answers you'll receive may also be a bit more exact or helpful.

...oh yeah and just fyi - is only a few keystrokes away.
Word. The only thing about growing is we are getting a lot of ricers. Oh well, as in the words of one of my fucked up customers, FUCK 'em.
New2thescene, how come you had to edit your post? You didn't happen to make a spelling or grammar error did you? :lol:
Originally posted by dveit@Jul 22 2003, 08:06 PM
New2thescene, how come you had to edit your post? You didn't happen to make a spelling or grammar error did you? :lol:

...oh yeah and just fyi - is only a few keystrokes away.

No, I omitted something. Dumbass. :ufucktard: :nutkick:
Originally posted by SixtySecondAssassin@Jul 22 2003, 08:25 PM
get a fuckin life dude

Get a fuckin' life, dude.

Edited from fucktard to genius :lol:

I'm with New2whatever : learn how to fucking type. It's ok to mispell it on the keyboard--I.E. chocolatr instead of chocolate. It's not ok to spell loose, to when you mean two, too when you mean to, etc. Go to fucking class and learn to spell and form sentences, you retard.
Originally posted by SixtySecondAssassin@Jul 22 2003, 08:25 PM
get a fuckin life dude

I should get a life because ingrates such as yourself aren't educated at the most simplistic levels?

All I said was take the time to be comprehendable; it shouldn't be a fucking chore to read someone's thread and try to understand it.

So you get a fucking life, sorry ass mother fucker.
Originally posted by Afipunk21+Jul 22 2003, 08:33 PM-->
@Jul 22 2003, 08:25 PM
get a fuckin life dude

Get a fuckin' life, dude.

Edited from fucktard to genius :lol:

I'm with New2whatever : learn how to fucking type. It's ok to mispell it on the keyboard--I.E. chocolatr instead of chocolate. It's not ok to spell loose, to when you mean two, too when you mean to, etc. Go to fucking class and learn to spell and form sentences, you retard.

As long as posts are understandable then there's no real beef with some spelling errors or grammatically incorrect instances but jesus christ some of the threads are so hard to understand that its ridiculous.

Its a whole different story if english isn't your native language and you're attempting to make a post like that russian guy did last night, but when you were born in an english speaking nation you should be able to form a fucking sentence.
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene@Jul 22 2003, 09:24 PM
No, I omitted something. Dumbass. :ufucktard: :nutkick:

Damn, pull that fuckin stick outta your ass. You need to learn how to take a joke. Notice the LOL emoticon at the end of my statement. Do I need to be a little more obvious that it was a fuckin joke. If you can't understand a person's post then just simply ignore it, that's their own fault for their own ignorance.
I don't mind when people can't form a sentence, spell, or even read. "I fit in every description just listed=)" lol It's when people DO NOT think before asking questions.

Joeblow says, "How do you fix this part on my car? It idles funny."

Ok what car was that again? What year, what make?

Or if they ask... I found a DSM turbo can I bolt it on my car? How much boost can my motor hold?
I can't spell, plain and simple. You wouldn't poke at me if I couldn't walk, and for some of us it's that simple. Going back to school hasn't help either, I'm finishing my 2yr on enroute to my Bacholor's and it has only gotten worse.

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