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I'm going to be a daddy guys!
Not really a planned baby seeing as I'm 18 and she is 22 but we are going to try and make things work now. She said she didnt want me to be a part of the babys life at all when she first told me, which kinda excited me but now im excited to be having a baby. Cant decide if I'm going to get a 2nd job or go into the army. Just my little rant for the day. O and she is about a month pregnant.
Congrats buddy. But take it from me, you two need to talk about every little problem you two have or may have in the future. And you need to understand and realize that while your girlfriend has been able to go out and hit the clubs and get sauced with her friends the chances of you being able to do that are next to zero. As for joining the military or getting a second job. If you have always wanted to enlist and your girlfriend has been aware of that fact then I would recommend going with the second job. Enlisting for any other reason outside of wanting to honestly serve your country is going to suck donkey ass for you.

And take it from me, I turned 20 the week before my son was born.
O no dude I dont want it lol. She doesnt want me to be a part of it, shes not even my girlfriend really she was just a girl i messed with for a while.
so you are excited that you are going to be a father, but only bc you arent going to have to have anything to do with the child?
she wants you to not be involved with this baby at all... and you're excited about it?

sounds like she just wants to tax your paycheck for 18 years and wants nothing else to do with you
she wants you to not be involved with this baby at all... and you're excited about it?

sounds like she just wants to tax your paycheck for 18 years and wants nothing else to do with you

Some women are whores and basically get pregnant, then try to push the father away, then later come after them for money. I've seen it happen so many times. There's some legalities to this, but it really depends if you are on the birth certificate or not.

That's cool that you're excited.....
thanks because that was totally needed

what would you prefer that i said?

you are 18 (or 19?)
you knocked up some 22 year old chick you were just fucking on the side
by your own admissions you dont want the child
the fact that you are scrambling for a second job or thinking of military service, tells me that you are not financially prepared to support a child
its plainly obvious that you are not emotionally prepared to support a child
and the pregnant chick doesnt want you in the child's life (sperm donor?)

your careless indiscretions are going to bring yet another an unwanted unplanned for child into the world.

somehow " :thumbsup: congratulations" just doesnt seem to fit this situation

:slap: idiot
what would you prefer that i said?

you are 18 (or 19?)
you knocked up some 22 year old chick you were just fucking on the side
by your own admissions you dont want the child
the fact that you are scrambling for a second job or thinking of military service, tells me that you are not financially prepared to support a child
its plainly obvious that you are not emotionally prepared to support a child
and the pregnant chick doesnt want you in the child's life (sperm donor?)

your careless indiscretions are going to bring yet another an unwanted unplanned for child into the world.

somehow " :thumbsup: congratulations" just doesnt seem to fit this situation

:slap: idiot

i have to, say i agree.
ok, this thread is all kinds of retarded, maybe you should start over, bc so far i have this:

shes prego,
she doesnt want you to have anything to do with the child
your excited bc of this child
yet you're glad that you wont have to have anything to do with it
but you're looking into a second job or military to support the child that you are going to have no involvement with
even though you are going to have no involvement with said child you want to figure how to work things out with the carrier of said child to be involved with it
but you arent going to have anything to do with the kid?

im so fucking lost.
ok, this thread is all kinds of retarded, maybe you should start over, bc so far i have this:

shes prego,
she doesnt want you to have anything to do with the child
your excited bc of this child
yet you're glad that you wont have to have anything to do with it
but you're looking into a second job or military to support the child that you are going to have no involvement with
even though you are going to have no involvement with said child you want to figure how to work things out with the carrier of said child to be involved with it
but you arent going to have anything to do with the kid?

im so fucking lost.

i think the most important thing to notice is how he said "when she first told me" in the first post.
they are going to try to work things out i guess.

its kinda funny if you think about it.. like really, think about it austin.
you will be tied to this woman for at least 18 years.
she will probably end up taking everything from you one way or another.
you cant just say "fuck this" one day and be done with it.
the way people seem to get pregnant unexpectedly so often has spawned my initial "no big deal" way of looking at it. but if you really think about it, its a fucking life changing occurrence that too many people share.