guess who can't sleep again?

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i'm friggin tired as hell right now :(

i think i'm scooting off work in 20 min and going to bed :p
I learn something new everyday. Yea I'm ussually vodka but I've been on a whiskey kick lately. How is Jim Beam Black? Right now I'm working on a bottle of Seagram VO.
You need to drink some nyquil or something.

That shit knocks me the hell out.
fuck me, 2 nights in a row.

laid down at 3:00

2:45 min later of tossing and turning, nothing...

fuck me.

i've been up since tues at 8am.
i haven't really even been in it.

i'm not really even tired.

my back is sore (from sitting too much) and my legs are like tingley (like the growing pains you used to get when you were a kid), but other than that, i'm wide awake...
i got a full day of work...
then headed to steve's... he's having a little post-wedding get together for the wedding party