jack o lantern ideals

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well last year i found out im kinda good at carving pumpkins so im needing new ideals for this year it needs to be something scary orientated and nothing to over the top hard. here's the one i done last year.michael myers


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You can do your own patterns.. Take a picture of something, open up a paint program, gray scale it, and jack the contrast way up. Then negative the pattern if needed and adjust from there.
You can do your own patterns.. Take a picture of something, open up a paint program, gray scale it, and jack the contrast way up. Then negative the pattern if needed and adjust from there.
ill keep that in mind im gonna try and do about 3 this year
yea i wanna do a one of a kind this year. i wanna find a big pumkin and a bad ass design and put it on it..
here's the one i done last year.michael myers

Shit, since you know your good at carvin Mike Myers, why dont you put the Love Gurru on a pumpkin? That movie was pretty scarry.
Lol, ok now I understand. How about a face profile of Predetor? Maybe a bit complex though.
ive thought about that or the chick from the exorcist
ok guys i'm gonna go with the chick from the movie the exorcist, this was just a test pumpkin to see if i'm gonna be able to do it, when i redo it it will have cleaner lines and will be all over more refined, what do ya think ya or na


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I was watching this show the other night with pumpkin carving on it. This one guy made a snowman out of pumpkins that had another pumpkin in its hands with the top of its head all ripped off with guts in its mouth, like the pumpkin snowman was eating the brains out of the one in its hand. It was awesome.
How do you get all the intricacies in the design ? I couldn't EVER get that right.

Hell, I have problems with teeth. Most of mine are death-oriented because they look like geriatrics.
well it looks like i might be the only one that can see it or tell what it is so i may sract that one lol, but you perty much can make any picture a pumpkin pattern like some are easy like the first one i posted and i just free hand them but the hard one like the last one i just get a picture De-saturate the image by going to Image > Adjustments > De-saturate

Adjustments > Brightness / contrast 100% and brightness -60%

foreground color. Make all the black areas so that they are easy to cut and are solid. Make sure that there are no floating black shapes because those would be impossible to cut.