My 79 1200

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Well we could expect you to not fuck up a car but that is just wishfull thinking
I was thinking more like burning tons of oil. Either way, he outta wash it every now and then.....and clean the shit off the hood as well.
I feel like this is the most hardcore troll in the history of the internets. He has almost stopped posting on hondaswap, but we validate him by posting replies to his latest douche baggery.

Stop ruining this site! Go to and leave us alone.
I feel like this is the most hardcore troll in the history of the internets. He has almost stopped posting on hondaswap, but we validate him by posting replies to his latest douche baggery.

Stop ruining this site! Go to and leave us alone.
Seriously, I feel like if I knew him personally, I'd have the urge to hit him just by being in the same room.
guys come on now you should know better you can't hit a bitch..............but you can shake the hell out of em.