New Online Racing Shizzzzzzzz

  • Thread starter sisteve
  • Start date
  • Replies 385
  • Views 14K

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Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Dec 20 2002, 05:23 PM

i think its me and you that are going to make hondaswap into thr top 10
no one else is even playing good it seems

what about me? i'm getting up their, slowly but surely :lol:
LMAO!! B is in the top 10 for stealing cars! were about $40,000 away from the top 10 crews
sisteve has not re added me into the crew, my first time sucked but now i re-registered, have 36 models and about 9000 net. sisteve you got to add asmallsol2 to the hondaswap crew
alrigth guys... i just got the team into the #9 postion for top teams!!! im worth 262,000 and ranked #8 now.

come one guys... do some shit, or get off the damn team! lets win this shit!!!!
Just got out of the joint give me a minute,I tried a home invasion but wasted 400 credits,can't car jack cuz I got no carwhat's that sh!t
I am so down it ain't even funny I'm gonna leave the crew so the stats don't go down.I come back if I get some where.
start a new account. you might need to use a different email address, but ive done it.

i had no car, no money, no models, and and 10 credits left :)

dont worry, im not on the hondaswap crew. it was full when i tried to join.
Got a new one as bserious gonna try not to get all strung out or whatever that last ones problem was.
yu gotta steal at least 1 or 2 cars to get anywhere..thats what ive learned anyway.

anybody know if theres a way to rack up credits besides waiting for them?
just in case anybody was wonering, car jackin' dosen't work for shit! i just wasted 760 credits and didn't get the car. i don't know why, i think it might have something to do with me not having a car, but it won't let me steal anybody's car, it will only let me carjack them, and that shit don't work... so i guess i'm fucked :(
that sucks man. i wonder if carjacking takes into account how fast your car is compared to the victim's (sort of like the truckjacking in fnf1)

shit brian..your a fooking brainiac!! :D :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: ...or just a lucky SOB :p j/p
I'm logging off from it now until tomorrow.My new guy is doin' good,I'm gonna wait till I get 1000 credits then go boostin' some cars.One lil bastard took me for 500 just before I bought suspension,he's gonna get it tomorrow though.His name is tbone2 if anyone wants to hit him.
go get him! :) i stole the fucker's car who raced me offline and beat me. :D ...then i used the dough to get boost! w33t!

damn that game is addicting as hell! :)

i also like the way they evened out the lag time for everyone so those with DSL dont have an advantage :p
Originally posted by rixXxceboy@Dec 21 2002, 09:17 AM
go get him! :) i stole the fucker's car who raced me offline and beat me. :D ...then i used the dough to get boost! w33t!

damn that game is addicting as hell! :)

i also like the way they evened out the lag time for everyone so those with DSL dont have an advantage :p

Someone stole my fucking CRX. It didnt tell me who it was tho, but that fucker will pay!

I spent all 1000 credits to boost an unprotected car and didn't get it, B spends 300/300 and gets cars. :angry:

Rix- Its not a set lag. Its b/c the server has to many people. Its not a big enough operation, so when they upgrade. We will dominate over the dial-up ppl. hehehe :D