New Online Racing Shizzzzzzzz

  • Thread starter sisteve
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  • Replies 385
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:werd: the bitch who stole my 5g hatch just got her house invaded while she was at work, hope she dosent mind missing a few g's and some parts! L00ting r0x!
shit i ran out of calanders and every one of my 57 models left me, but i still have money and a riced out shitstang
Originally posted by asmallsol@Dec 21 2002, 11:30 AM
shit i ran out of calanders and every one of my 57 models left me, but i still have money and a riced out shitstang

i've lost over 200 models due to running out of calendars :D
Originally posted by 92b16vx@Dec 21 2002, 09:14 AM
I'm logging off from it now until tomorrow.My new guy is doin' good,I'm gonna wait till I get 1000 credits then go boostin' some cars.One lil bastard took me for 500 just before I bought suspension,he's gonna get it tomorrow though.His name is tbone2 if anyone wants to hit him.

if tbone2 is from honda-tech.... thats my buddy tom :)

They just "upgraded" the servers, and they still are running with the speed of special olympic hurdlers!

They "upgrade" from 2400 bps to 56k :p
now they have this new restriction of howmay people can be on at once. this is agrivating i have never seen more than 200 people on at once anyway what did they limit it to 15.
hondaswap represent y0

team at 6th place

with alot of people in the top 100 :) go us!
ok i finally stole a damn car and raided a house. lol
Unfortunately, your race was witnessed by the police. Your opponent got away, however you were caught. They've confinscated the money that exchanged during the race.
You are also being fined $1316 for the offense.

there is a waiting list and i am next, (only so many can be on the team) i am waiting for the guy with $240 to get off