Sentence-Story Game Thread

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During a short stay at Motel 6, a very long thing happened...

Ben resurrected a dying thread; unfortunately, zombies returned with it. These were a new type, equipped with Ebonics and handguns, the kind that everybody had thought about as a kid, but had never actually seen. They invaded the inner cities of New Jersey and reaped death, destruction, and poor grammar solely on members of HondaSwap.

HondaSwap was devastated; B was no where to be found! The only thing that could stop the complete destruction of HondaSwap was for dacheat to show them that girls frequently attempt to control men with their lovely lady lumps and their gorgeous pink tacos.

"Common zombie warfare tactics, but we can persevere," said dacheat. The ebonics zombies started to hump the leg of the legendary ever-knowing YOGURT!

By this time...Lonestar was headed back to Druidia,
and suddenly E disappeared again, leaving us to ponder whether B is behind it all.

Dave arrived and shit himself. Then, all of a sudden, the Tyrannosaurus broke out of his cage and started river-dancing, which puzzled the zombies. They stopped and wondered why the hell they weren't on the bus with the Tyrannosaur headed towards "Deep Inside Uranus" -- a theme park Bryan created. A documentary was also made detailing the back-story of
During a short stay at Motel 6, a very long thing happened...

Ben resurrected a dying thread; unfortunately, zombies returned with it. These were a new type, equipped with Ebonics and handguns, the kind that everybody had thought about as a kid, but had never actually seen. They invaded the inner cities of New Jersey and reaped death, destruction, and poor grammar solely on members of HondaSwap.

HondaSwap was devastated; B was no where to be found! The only thing that could stop the complete destruction of HondaSwap was for dacheat to show them that girls frequently attempt to control men with their lovely lady lumps and their gorgeous pink tacos.

"Common zombie warfare tactics, but we can persevere," said dacheat. The ebonics zombies started to hump the leg of the legendary ever-knowing YOGURT!

By this time...Lonestar was headed back to Druidia,
and suddenly E disappeared again, leaving us to ponder whether B is behind it all.

Dave arrived and shit himself. Then, all of a sudden, the Tyrannosaurus broke out of his cage and started river-dancing, which puzzled the zombies. They stopped and wondered why the hell they weren't on the bus with the Tyrannosaur headed towards "Deep Inside Uranus" -- a theme park Bryan created. A documentary was also made detailing the back-story of the thong wearing man we call
During a short stay at Motel 6, a very long thing happened...

Ben resurrected a dying thread; unfortunately, zombies returned with it. These were a new type, equipped with Ebonics and handguns, the kind that everybody had thought about as a kid, but had never actually seen. They invaded the inner cities of New Jersey and reaped death, destruction, and poor grammar solely on members of HondaSwap.

HondaSwap was devastated; B was no where to be found! The only thing that could stop the complete destruction of HondaSwap was for dacheat to show them that girls frequently attempt to control men with their lovely lady lumps and their gorgeous pink tacos.

"Common zombie warfare tactics, but we can persevere," said dacheat. The ebonics zombies started to hump the leg of the legendary ever-knowing YOGURT!

By this time...Lonestar was headed back to Druidia,
and suddenly E disappeared again, leaving us to ponder whether B is behind it all.

Dave arrived and shit himself. Then, all of a sudden, the Tyrannosaurus broke out of his cage and started river-dancing, which puzzled the zombies. They stopped and wondered why the hell they weren't on the bus with the Tyrannosaur headed towards "Deep Inside Uranus" -- a theme park Bryan created. A documentary was also made detailing the back-story of the thong wearing man we call Bryan.

The movie was produced
During a short stay at Motel 6, a very long thing happened...

Ben resurrected a dying thread; unfortunately, zombies returned with it. These were a new type, equipped with Ebonics and handguns, the kind that everybody had thought about as a kid, but had never actually seen. They invaded the inner cities of New Jersey and reaped death, destruction, and poor grammar solely on members of HondaSwap.

HondaSwap was devastated; B was no where to be found! The only thing that could stop the complete destruction of HondaSwap was for dacheat to show them that girls frequently attempt to control men with their lovely lady lumps and their gorgeous pink tacos.

"Common zombie warfare tactics, but we can persevere," said dacheat. The ebonics zombies started to hump the leg of the legendary ever-knowing YOGURT!

By this time...Lonestar was headed back to Druidia,
and suddenly E disappeared again, leaving us to ponder whether B is behind it all.

Dave arrived and shit himself. Then, all of a sudden, the Tyrannosaurus broke out of his cage and started river-dancing, which puzzled the zombies. They stopped and wondered why the hell they weren't on the bus with the Tyrannosaur headed towards "Deep Inside Uranus" -- a theme park Bryan created. A documentary was also made detailing the back-story of the thong wearing man we call Bryan.

The movie was produced The Thong Wearing Man and his Thong factory

You didn't follow the rules dude. You only get to add five words to the story. So therefore, I'll take the initiative and continue the story in the direction I was hoping it would go...
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During a short stay at Motel 6, a very long thing happened...

Ben resurrected a dying thread; unfortunately, zombies returned with it. These were a new type, equipped with Ebonics and handguns, the kind that everybody had thought about as a kid, but had never actually seen. They invaded the inner cities of New Jersey and reaped death, destruction, and poor grammar solely on members of HondaSwap.

HondaSwap was devastated; B was no where to be found! The only thing that could stop the complete destruction of HondaSwap was for dacheat to show them that girls frequently attempt to control men with their lovely lady lumps and their gorgeous pink tacos.

"Common zombie warfare tactics, but we can persevere," said dacheat. The ebonics zombies started to hump the leg of the legendary ever-knowing YOGURT!

By this time...Lonestar was headed back to Druidia,
and suddenly E disappeared again, leaving us to ponder whether B is behind it all.

Dave arrived and shit himself. Then, all of a sudden, the Tyrannosaurus broke out of his cage and started river-dancing, which puzzled the zombies. They stopped and wondered why the hell they weren't on the bus with the Tyrannosaur headed towards "Deep Inside Uranus" -- a theme park Bryan created. A documentary was also made detailing the back-story of the thong wearing man we call Bryan.

The movie was produced by Jewish Zombie Productions Unlimited.
*Second attempt*

During a short stay at Motel 6, a very long thing happened...

Ben resurrected a dying thread; unfortunately, zombies returned with it. These were a new type, equipped with Ebonics and handguns, the kind that everybody had thought about as a kid, but had never actually seen. They invaded the inner cities of New Jersey and reaped death, destruction, and poor grammar solely on members of HondaSwap.

HondaSwap was devastated; B was no where to be found! The only thing that could stop the complete destruction of HondaSwap was for dacheat to show them that girls frequently attempt to control men with their lovely lady lumps and their gorgeous pink tacos.

"Common zombie warfare tactics, but we can persevere," said dacheat. The ebonics zombies started to hump the leg of the legendary ever-knowing YOGURT!

By this time...Lonestar was headed back to Druidia,
and suddenly E disappeared again, leaving us to ponder whether B is behind it all.

Dave arrived and shit himself. Then, all of a sudden, the Tyrannosaurus broke out of his cage and started river-dancing, which puzzled the zombies. They stopped and wondered why the hell they weren't on the bus with the Tyrannosaur headed towards "Deep Inside Uranus" -- a theme park Bryan created. A documentary was also made detailing the back-story of the thong wearing man we call Bryan.

The movie was produced by Jewish Zombie Productions Unlimited.

Titled: Blood and Guts Reign
During a short stay at Motel 6, a very long thing happened...

Ben resurrected a dying thread; unfortunately, zombies returned with it. These were a new type, equipped with Ebonics and handguns, the kind that everybody had thought about as a kid, but had never actually seen. They invaded the inner cities of New Jersey and reaped death, destruction, and poor grammar solely on members of HondaSwap.

HondaSwap was devastated; B was no where to be found! The only thing that could stop the complete destruction of HondaSwap was for dacheat to show them that girls frequently attempt to control men with their lovely lady lumps and their gorgeous pink tacos.

"Common zombie warfare tactics, but we can persevere," said dacheat. The ebonics zombies started to hump the leg of the legendary ever-knowing YOGURT!

By this time...Lonestar was headed back to Druidia, and suddenly E disappeared again, leaving us to ponder whether B is behind it all.

Dave arrived and shit himself. Then, all of a sudden, the Tyrannosaurus broke out of his cage and started river-dancing, which puzzled the zombies. They stopped and wondered why the hell they weren't on the bus with the Tyrannosaur headed towards "Deep Inside Uranus" -- a theme park Bryan created. A documentary was also made detailing the back-story of the thong wearing man we call Bryan.

The movie was produced by Jewish Zombie Productions Unlimited.

Titled: Blood and Guts Reign,

The end you fucking dicks :D
In the beginning there was a man in which the Force was very very strong.
He kept breaking cups and bitch slapping Yoda upside the head.
In the beginning there was a man in which the Force was very very strong. He kept breaking cups and bitch slapping Yoda upside the head. This angered the old Jedi...
In the beginning there was a man in which the Force was very very strong. He kept breaking cups and bitch slapping Yoda upside the head. This angered the old Jedi...Yoda slowly pulled out his
In the beginning there was a man in which the Force was very very strong. He kept breaking cups and bitch slapping Yoda upside the head. This angered the old Jedi...Yoda slowly pulled out his nine millimeter light saber, which
In the beginning there was a man in which the Force was very very strong. He kept breaking cups and bitch slapping Yoda upside the head. This angered the old Jedi...Yoda slowly pulled out his nine millimeter light saber, which was a collector's edition. A
In the beginning there was a man in which the Force was very very strong. He kept breaking cups and bitch slapping Yoda upside the head. This angered the old Jedi...Yoda slowly pulled out his nine millimeter light saber, which was a collector's edition. A mild mannered Jedi was he