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Kung Foolin'
Just wondering what good spyware detector programs are out there and that work well. I have heard that Adaware sucks, but I don't know for sure. Could anyone help me find a spyware program that does a thorough job?
Ad-aware is a Spyware remover by default, you have to use the full version to get the blocker. Sypware Doctor is a good blocker good.

Personally, I hate blockers, well sort of, because half the time, they have pop up telling you something was blocked, which is annoying too.
lmao yeah i love the pop up blockers that pop up a window telling you they blocked a pop up :bash:
Hell yea, it annoyed me so much I removed them and run Adaware SE everyday.
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Jun 19 2005, 10:43 PM
Spybot Search and Destroy is good too.
[post=514126]Quoted post[/post]​

I run nothing.. I just don't allow any pop ups at all. haven't had an issue with any spyware in over 5 months
Yup the two programs I like to run Ad Aware and Spy Bot Search and Destroy. Both free and both really good. Or you could be a hardass like E and Sabz and run Linux :P
Or you can dual boot Linux and Windows and use Windows for working (ok, gaming, but damn it I use PS for some shit) and Linux for surfing, that's mostly what I do.
Well, I'm not too computer savvy, so I think I'll just keep the Adaware SE and then do Spyware search and destroy.

thanks everyone