The Walking Dead

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That little bastard knows it's all his fault too. Sucks cause I really liked him too.
how is it his fault? because he dropped his gun and didn't shoot him? the walker would have gotten himself free eventually.

You could blame the meeting on his death just the same. If people weren't so ready to kill, he wouldn't have wondered off on his own.

At least we got to see the real character of the captive when Carl was in the barn.
It's Carl's fault cause if he wasn't teasing that zombie like a little dumbass he wouldn't have gotten out and wound up being in the same place/time as Dale. The zombie was just standing there not even trying to get out. He had no motivation to move until Carl started fucking with him.

Another thing that's starting to piss me off is why the fuck are all these people walking out to the middle of nowhere by themselves? It's fine to "get away" but at least be within sight of some people.
how is it his fault? because he dropped his gun and didn't shoot him? the walker would have gotten himself free eventually.

You could blame the meeting on his death just the same. If people weren't so ready to kill, he wouldn't have wondered off on his own.

At least we got to see the real character of the captive when Carl was in the barn.

It is his fault cause he was out there fuckin with him until he got loose. then when he ran home what do you think the zombie followed? Carls scent, and there never would have been anything to follow if he hadn't gone out there in the first place.
exactly... the little fucker went out there and "woke the zombie up" then decided that it would be a good idea to start fucking with it instead of getting the F out of dodge
then he kept fucking with it long enough that it managed to wiggle its way loose
then he led it back to the farm

Dale is dead because Carl doesnt know how to do what hes fucking told... (he gets that shit from his mother)
:werd: Not to spoil for the west coast gang, all I have to say is, about damn time. My old lady jumped out of her seat. (she gets waaaayy into this show)
I knew it... He was never going to fall in line. I never expected them to "part ways" like that though. Awesome episode.

So uh, airborne much? Like they are all carriers now but it won't become active until the body dies? :shrug2:

I still wanna know what's up with that Black Guy and his son...
See, i think he has had the bug for a while now.
It was part of what was messing with his rash decisions.
I missed it last night and mrs taco called me this morning saying the same thing.
apparently i missed a good one... :(
finally, its getting good again. i felt that the past episodes spent too much time talking about feelings.

if the "disease" is in deed airborne then everyone is fucked. but then how come dale didn't come back to life? or maybe he did? or maybe theyve been consuming contaminated food from the farm since there was a walker sitting in a well brewing.

ive been reading cliffnotes of the comic and the tv is taking a big departure from it. oh well i think this route may be better for the series.
dale took a bullet in the head from daryl.... no coming back after that
dale was "turning" when daryl shot him. thats what it seemed like to me though.

ill second the opinion that shane was "changing" and it was pretty noticeable even though he was still human. you could see little twitches and stuff when he was messing with randall.

im curious how the show is going to progress as they explain more about how the disease acts and transmits.
I thought I saw Dale's eye color changing but i'm not too sure right now.

I do remember, crystal clear, that he put his head closer to the gun on purpose. So maybe he wasn't changing...
i saw it as dale knew he was changing. he put his head to the gun in a "kill me" fashion both because he wanted the pain to end and he didnt want to become a walker.