The Walking Dead

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And the second preview during Talking Dead showed Rick and Shane getting overrun by zombies and Rick letting Shane fend for himself. ;)
When the characters actually voice their feelings on a matter its pretty hard to miss(interpret.) :)

So if her and Carl were his "property" then it's ok right?

She pretty much agreed with the action and motive. She feels like her and Carl aren't his to protect, which is fine. I do agree that Shane should leave her the fuck alone though.

For her to tell Rick that Shane said Rick can't protect them (which is pretty stupid IMO, it's obvious Rick can handle his own), that's just wanting to stir shit up lol.

I still don't understand how you think it's hard to misinterpret, yet you still explain what is "meant." It's like reading the Bible lol, everyone sees it different. We are just going in circles though lol. I'll leave it at that :)

Oh, I was able to finally watch The Talking Dead and saw that clip where Shane was getting chased down lol. I wonder if this is finally the separation point because I don't see them both surviving that and still wanting to be around each other lol.
So if her and Carl were his "property" then it's ok right?

She pretty much agreed with the action and motive. She feels like her and Carl aren't his to protect, which is fine. I do agree that Shane should leave her the fuck alone though.

For her to tell Rick that Shane said Rick can't protect them (which is pretty stupid IMO, it's obvious Rick can handle his own), that's just wanting to stir shit up lol.

I still don't understand how you think it's hard to misinterpret, yet you still explain what is "meant." It's like reading the Bible lol, everyone sees it different. We are just going in circles though lol. I'll leave it at that :)

Oh, I was able to finally watch The Talking Dead and saw that clip where Shane was getting chased down lol. I wonder if this is finally the separation point because I don't see them both surviving that and still wanting to be around each other lol.

I can't wait for tomorrow. And I do agree that was shitty of Ricks girl to say that to him knowing full well she fucked up in the first place. I do understand that he's alive and now back in love but she keep s bringing up old stuff about Shane knowing he was alive and how he's a lier.

I hope the blond chick and Shane go on their way and leave. of course we all kjow the barn will most likely be taken over though.

anybody else see the preview when Daryl shoots and says "sorry brother" maybe Merle is back as a zombie?
I can't wait for tomorrow. And I do agree that was shitty of Ricks girl to say that to him knowing full well she fucked up in the first place. I do understand that he's alive and now back in love but she keep s bringing up old stuff about Shane knowing he was alive and how he's a lier.

anybody else see the preview when Daryl shoots and says "sorry brother" maybe Merle is back as a zombie?
She says that shit like Shane's heart wasn't in the right place. We all saw what happened in the hospital. There was nothing better Shane could have really done. What he ended up doing actually helped Rick survive that hospital ordeal. But it could have went real bad too lol. Regardless though, everything worked out. And her telling Shane their relationship was "nothing" I call bullshit because when they fucked in the damn forest, she went out of her way to acknowledge Rick when she took off the necklace/locket. So she knew full well what she was doing. She was trying to move on, which is a good thing, because she thought Rick was dead. And it's not like their relationship wasn't rocky towards the end. Rick and Shane addressed that during the first episode when they were chillin eating lunch in the cop car.

I didn't see that part about Daryl. Interesting...

Can't wait :)
He owes him now. Time to fall in line. Previews show he's not ready to fall in line though...

I won't say names because I know my peeps in the West haven't seen it yet...
Couldnt count how many times I said WTF, pretty good episode, didnt watch that dumbass comic show to catch next weeks preview.
Am i the only one hoping he got bit? lol

i'm awaiting the side plot into what REALLY killed those 2 cops.
I dont know how they didnt get infected. Rick was fingering zombies with a big ass cut on his hand and other assorted wounds with zombie juices flying every which way. Or is it transmited via saliva only? I cant remember exactly.
Am i the only one hoping he got bit? lol

i'm awaiting the side plot into what REALLY killed those 2 cops.

I was waiting for it too, and my chick jumped out of her seat and yelled "Its went airborne"

I dont know how they didnt get infected. Rick was fingering zombies with a big ass cut on his hand and other assorted wounds with zombie juices flying every which way.

Haha. My thoughts exactly, he had it all over his face that was cut up too.
I dont know how they didnt get infected. Rick was fingering zombies with a big ass cut on his hand and other assorted wounds with zombie juices flying every which way. Or is it transmited via saliva only? I cant remember exactly.

I dont think they ever fully explained method of infection. They had full riot gear and face masks when they were dismembering the walkers to cover Rick and Glenn. But throughout the rest of the episodes they didn't cover up at all. And it couldn't be just from saliva because the group was concerned about that fat zombie contaminating the well.

I really enjoyed the episode where they were at the CDC and that Dr. gave a semi plausible cause for the walkers.
im pretty sure the show is still going on the basis that they dont really know 100% what it is or how its spread
and as they get more "comfortable" with it, their precautions are getting lower


just my thoughts on it
Anyone see any significance to Shane not saying anything about the walker, he saw twice, walking in the field?

I figured they would want to go cut that damn thing's head off so it didn't have a chance to create more or so they wouldn't have to deal with it later on down the road...
I think it is some sort of reflection of what he thinks he is becoming. Like when he saw himself in the broken glass before the walkers started pouring out.
I think wikedeye is onto something. The feeling of isolation just trudging through life with nothing to really look forward to.
yea, it was definitely shadowing shane's feeling of loneliness and being outcast by everyone else.
Hahaha E

But ok. Halfway through tonights episode. W the FUCK is wrong with Carl? Why is he being a little a-hole?
Yup. Good job Carl.

But I don't get how a walker could just rip his abdomen open like that? I mean I know it's a show and all, but that little detail bugged me.