The Walking Dead

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Well he knew he would eventually change so I agree with at least that. I'd have to see it again I guess. Either way, its a whole new ball game and shits about to be real. Gonna be a huge season ending cliffhanger. :(
Watching the last few episodes before tonights finale. Saw some stuff i missed and revisited some things.

On talking dead they said that in the episode where shane and Rick fought just before the zombies started pouring out of the building you could see Shanes reflection in the glass and it foreshadowed his zombie lookin the last episode. I can see it. He did look pretty inhuman.

Also, Dale definitely was not changing when Daryl shot him in the head. His eyes were normal and he was just dying... Makes me think Shane was previously exposed. And again in the episode where they were to release that kid, they made a comment about how there were walkers burnt there. Possibly by the guards. So maybe when Shane and co. burnt the bodies they got exposed in that manner as well.

Any predictions for tonight? It isn't going to be a quiet boring farm anymore.
can't believe I have to wait until the fall to find out how this goes. I won't spoil anything for the west coast peeps till tomorrow but holy damn was it a good finale
I vote that was Merle in the end again :lol:

how pimpo is that? walk up woth 2 zombie slaves next to you. :lol:
finally had a chance to watch this. i dont know. i still feel like the infection whatever it is, changes you mentally/behaviorly, before you die and turn into a full fledged walker. It seemed pretty obvious with Shane, now Rick.

what im focusing on is the breathing. you have to pay attention to it. Dale's was breathing almost like a walker right before he died. when shane was in the shed with randall (or maybe another time, but def a time when he was alone with randall) but his breathing sounded ALMOST like a walker. not like full on growling like zombies, but i keep thinking they put the audio of them breathing loudly like that for a reason. they did the same thing with Rick right after he told Lory about killing Shane. Something tells me theres more to it. maybe its just foreshadowing, maybe its something else, but im trying to read between the lines and pay attention to small details that may become important later.

just my .02. looking forward to the fall for season 3!
At the beginning of Season 2, a friend of mine who read the comic(s), was telling me about her. He was dying to see if they would bring her to the tv series. Apparently, she's bad ass...
valid point. i still think it sounded more like a walker than just labored dying breaths. but thats open to interpretation.

what about shane and rick?
I think they are possibly more succeptable due to their personalities maybe. Or not. I still look back to Shane using the knife he killed a walker with to cut his own hand open. Also as I said before he had been there for every body burning they've done. They pointed out that the security officers had burnt walkers at the school so I think it has something to do with it. Rick is questionable at this point in my eyes. He could be turning or he could just be succumbing to the stress of his leadership role as he said "I never asked for this!" also he just killed his best friend. lol
you have valid points. dont take it that im saying you dont. i just see it differently i guess since that just seems too "easy" for me. all of your points still hold true without the "breathing" moments, but id like to think the show has more depth than that and that they put those parts in for a reason, and not just background noise / filler / whatever.
With the amount of open wounds they all have had in the last two seasons I am in the "they are already infected" camp. On The Talking Dead after show one of the producers or director explained that the flashes during Shane's death was his mind firing back up during the transformation.
we know they are all infected already. theres really no debate on that. rick even said Jenner told him that at the CDC. the debate is whether or not the infection has an effect on you before you die.
I think Shane just lost it. And Rick is finally grasping the situation. A democracy is not what the group needs to stay alive.