The Walking Dead

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Digging it so far. Who's gonna be the first to go at the bar? :eek:

Oooooooooooooooh damn! Still too little action for you guys?
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Fuck. Yes. A lot of good points brought up tonight by the cast, but, I think a lot of them were already brought up in this thread after last weeks episode. :ph34r:
damn. I would have left that kid or put a bullet in his head.
I can't wait for next week when Rick and shane finally have at it!
:werd: I was gonna say, Laurie, Rick, Hershel... they all made Shane their bitch tonight. Anyone else stick out Smith's nonsense for that preview. This could get interesting. Scratch that WILL get interesting.
:werd: I was gonna say, Laurie, Rick, Hershel... they all made Shane their bitch tonight. Anyone else stick out Smith's nonsense for that preview. This could get interesting. Scratch that WILL get interesting.
I concur.
Anywhere to find the first half of the second season for streaming? Started watching this last week and need to see the second season...
My lady missed the first half so I too looked but ended up just downloading them in torrents. Didn't take long at all. If youre willing I'd just go that route.
I think Laurie should have bit the dust. I dont really care for her character anymore. I know she was worried about Rick, but come on. What kind of shitty ass mother leaves her son to go out by her self and search for her police officer husband. Then she starts shit between Shane and Rick.
Finally got to watch the episode :)

I think Laurie should have bit the dust. I dont really care for her character anymore. I know she was worried about Rick, but come on. What kind of shitty ass mother leaves her son to go out by her self and search for her police officer husband. Then she starts shit between Shane and Rick.


Rick agreed with what Shane did because he had to do the same, but then she had to say it in a way that would drive any man nuts lol. I still don't understand how they agree with his actions but not his motive for his actions. They agree that he did it for Laurie and Carl but they don't agree because he thinks they are his responsibility/property? :confused: I guess I do kinda understand because though because no way would I ever let someone think my woman and our kid(s) are his.

So I pose the question again, who's baby does everyone think it actually is? I'm still going with Shane but I don't think we'll ever find out considering DNA test during this setting isn't exactly feasible lol. Unless the baby comes out black, then I will start pointing my finger at T-Dog, lol.

It's nice to see another character agree with Shane's actions but did it have to be that dumb blonde bitch... :mad: I guess she's starting to mellow out but her stupid ass drove me nuts before.

Do you guys agree that Shane's ending results are ok but just lack finesse or the "soft" approach?

I wanna see who wins between Shane and Rick. Something tells me Rick since he's the main character lol. But they seem to know when to throw curve balls so we'll see.

Nothing answered about the bitch being bed ridden :(

Do you guys think the other guys have been tracking them? I agree with Rick's thoughts on why they wouldn't have been tracked by those other guys but that's just something were going to have to wait on...

Pretty excited :ph34r:
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i dont know about the other group tracking them, but they definitely dont have the same loyalty to the members of their own group like rick/hershel's group does. they seem to be willing to just leave wounded for dead without even trying to help.
Rick didnt agree with what Shane did, he just agreed that that was probably the reasoning from Shane's twisted mind. They used the word "murdered" for what Shane did. That isnt something you'd use to describe a self defense situation such as what Rick did. Basically, he did it because he's losing touch and that's what they are afraid of.

She asked Rick "you killed the living to protect your own? Shane thinks we (Carl and herself) are his." What she was saying to Rick is you killed those guys to protect yourself/get back to us, whats to stop Shane from killing Rick or anyone else who would stand in the way of him getting back with Laurie.
Rick didnt agree with what Shane did, he just agreed that that was probably the reasoning from Shane's twisted mind. They used the word "murdered" for what Shane did. That isnt something you'd use to describe a self defense situation such as what Rick did. Basically, he did it because he's losing touch and that's what they are afraid of.

She asked Rick "you killed the living to protect your own? Shane thinks we (Carl and herself) are his." What she was saying to Rick is you killed those guys to protect yourself/get back to us, whats to stop Shane from killing Rick or anyone else who would stand in the way of him getting back with Laurie.

It's all perception. I read it one way, you read it another way. You can't sit there and say "this is EXACTLY what it means" when neither one of us are the producers or writers of the show lol. They wrote it this way for different minds, such as ours, to keep guessing as to what each situation is/means.

I hope they touch on the bed ridden chick next week because i'm curious as to if this disease is also becoming airbourne or something... :ph34r:
When the characters actually voice their feelings on a matter its pretty hard to miss(interpret.) :)
the preview showed rick and shane getting back on the same level...... it's just a matter of, is it a crazy level or a sane level?