The Walking Dead

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^^Agreed. I don't think it can affect you until you are truly dead. That is why I really don't believe Dale was showing signs of turning because he didn't die until Daryl put a bullet through his brain.

Also, I'm not saying anyone is wrong, just giving my take on the matter.
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They've still got that other group to run into, the new chick with zombie slaves, and all the possibilities the prison holds.
Yeah, i'm curious to see whats inside that prison. Surely they would have run out of food/supplies by now, even if the gates held up and no infection got in. At least all the guards are either dead or have abandonded post. PErhaps tere's a few imates still locked up, but it's been, what? 6 months + since this all started? even the fattest man would be dead by now and there's only so many rats....

I'm with you a bit on the breathing thing. I noticed it for a few episodes now and pretty much everyone has had a personality change. Some a complete 180, others not so much, but clearly not like day 1. Agreeably, day 1 was a different situation and lives have been lost and so forth that could apply to the changes too though.

Perhaps in the end it's more about what this zombie slave driver knows, how they can fortify themselves in the prison, and hopefully AMC made some dan maney this year so there's a bigger budget for filming.

Overall, I love the show and I'm glad it's on and hope it continues to run for many more years. Considering the comics are up to like 180 issues, there's some pre-written plot lines available for some time to come.
'The Walking Dead' at Comic-Con: Michonne, the Governor, and more [Video] - Yahoo! TV

Maybe more anticipated than any other TV panel at this year's Comic-Con, today's session with the cast and crew of AMC's zombie thriller "The Walking Dead" did not disappoint. We got a brand-new Season 3 trailer, an official premiere date (October 14 at 9 PM; mark your calendars), and a ton of fresh information about the new season, including the introduction of two long-awaited new characters: katana-wielding zombie killer Michonne and infamous super-villain the Governor. So without further ado, let's get to the scoop!

After getting a tiny taste of Season 3 on last weekend's "Talking Dead" preview special, we were treated to a full four-minute trailer today, featuring Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and his band of survivors taking over an abandoned prison and fortifying themselves against the never-ending zombie onslaught. Meanwhile, Andrea (Laurie Holden) and her new savior Michonne (Danai Gurira) find themselves in a strangely tranquil and zombie-free town called Woodbury, run by the sinister Governor (David Morrissey). Plus, we get a quick cameo from Daryl's gone-but-not-forgotten brother Merle (Michael Rooker).

Season 3 Comic-Con Trailer: The Walking Dead - YouTube

:D :D :D
Finally an AK makes an appearance! lol I dont think people will be complaining about a lack of Zombies anymore.

At 3:22ish Rick says "We took (the prison,) it's ours. We spilled blood." So I wonder who dies?
probably zombies. i don't think they are going to kill off any one else.

maybe the bald mother. she's annoying.
or f'ing carl. but if he goes, mom needs to go to because you know shes going to be the only driver on the road and still manage to crash.....

he's talking to the other 'leader' in that preview scene.
Yea that's "the governor." I figured he meant their own cause Ibelieve that line has been used before and it meant someone in the group had died. I figure taking over a prison full of zombies somebody has got to go. Can't wait to find out.
HATED that ending hanger. lol

I almost want to wait until its all aired and then just watch them all in a row so i don't have to wait. lol

Good shit though, I'm glad it's back.

I'm curious to see how [spoilers below]
the baby vs hershel comes into play now....