Theives Revised.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hexen
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Well after a few threads about cars being broken into, and me being very thankfull that mine had never had this happen to it...

That all changed Saturday night.
I was staying at my girlfriends house that night because we went to a little house party get together thing... got home about 1:30 in the morning, partied a little more after we got home and went to sleep.

MrBlk was with me that night and he was crashing there too, so in the morning he went out to my car to get his cellphone, and low and behold my drivers side rear quarter-window had a chunk of concrete about the size of a football thrown though it.

My laptop case was what they were after. Although my laptop was not in it (it doesnt work right now, so it was at home), however I was using the case as a backpack for college. They stole the case and it had some of my books and binders / misc. school things in it, but thats it.
They didn't even open the door to get inside, just grabbed the bag though the window and took off.

I don't really understand how I didn't hear it, I was probably sleeping 15 feet from where it happened right next to a window, and she lives in a private neighborhood, so i figure it was one of the neighbors (all college students).

End Cost: $150 for new books, $70 for a new laptop case if i get one, $200 for the window.
Not enough to bother to tell the insurance about (wouldnt have even been more than the deductable.)

Part 2:

Last night I went over to my moms house and was talking to her about some things, including what happened to my car.
She had her early 90's accord stolen about 3 years ago.

When they caught the guy (after a few months) he was still driving it around.
The Insurance company totaled her car because it had been stolen for so long, the guy served LESS THAN A WEEK in jail and had to pay my mom $700 for the loss of her personal belongings in the car.


She had her new Civic broken into last night after I talked to her. It seems like they jimmyed the window down enough to unlock the door (somehow without breaking it.) They tore apart the steering column and tried to get it started, but were unsuccessfull. She called the cops (it was 5am, when she goes to work) and they told her to call back in a bit after the morning dew went away and they would send out fingerprint people.. so they did. They think they got a couple good prints from it.
She had to have her car towed to the Honda dealer to get her window and steering column replaced.

hexen makes mad face :angry: . Fuck thieves.
Originally posted by chet@Feb 6 2003, 06:14 PM
do you live in harlem?

Hah, no.

I live in a pretty nice town in Nor Cal.

I myself, live in the ghetto part of town (which isn't really ALL that ghetto.) but I've never had one of my cars fucked with once. Probably because I grew up around here and pretty much everyone knows who I am around where I live.

I was in Davis when my car got broken into, and she lives in pretty nice little townhouses. It's like a little village with a private parking lot and everything, thats why I figure it was one of the neighbors.

And my mom lives in a decent part of town too, not the greatest, but it's not a very traveled area, someone must have been looking for a car to steal in a place where not a lot of people would be driving around.
I left my keys and wallet on top of my car from 12:00 until about 5:00 pm one day,while record shopping,this was behind Sound Exchange in Austin.Some may know it,it is high traffic,anyway I came out of the store because duh,I didn't have my wallet and low and behold they were still there.Then again I had my car stolen from my driveway while I slept a few feet away(85 marron Accord hatch).What I hate is amateur theives,that fuck your shit up and still take your shit.My friend had has bimmer broken into,not to easy,they took his ENTIRE system,to include the wiring,not a scratch except for a little one by the window,they even locked the doors back up.Pro's
some what irrelevant... I was watching judge joe brown and some asian kid got caught stealing some ugly girl with braces' car, "project crx." she was suing for like $10,000 and kid said didnt need to pay back because he "was" a minor when the incident happened and "served his time" in juvinelle detention. like 2 months.. :angry: in the end he had to pay.

anyway, a day or so after that, my buddy calls me up and says, "oh snap dude, we found out who stole your car because we're staring at your parts right now." i was overjoyed.. my friend was looking for parts for his eg6 with an LS swap, which is what i had, and he heard about the guys and decided to take a look..he question them about where and how they got the parts.. description fitted me.. anyhow, heres the bad news.. "but damn dude, its Team Lethal along with some Laotion punks." i suddenly turned pale.. i don't know if you know who Team Lethal are Hexen, but their a "racing team" who likes to steal other people's cars and put it on theirs.. their from the sacramento-davis area also..couldve been the perps that stole ur laptop case and stuff.. and that certain "racing team" are all alleged gang members and not that kind that talks the talk, but not walk the walk.. i've lived down in sac for a year or so and kno whats up..

so heres the question.. a) turn em in? its been a year but im sure its still a "live" case.. and risk the chance of getting shot at and putting my family in harm.. i.e. drive bys since they kno where i live cuz the car was stolen infront of my house.. or B) just forget about it and leave it be; and pray to God something terrible happens to them?

thanks for the input in advance.. and oh yeah sorrie about your car hexen.. thats friggin gay how they smashed ur window.. ghetto thieves?? (Team Lethal???) <_<
Man I would turn thier dumbasses in.

If they would be so stupid to try to jack your shit again after you turned them in, then they deserve the time that they would be serving for it.
I've never met a hardcore gangster from Sacto, and I dated a Cantoneese girl for a year who lives up there. I met a lot of guys who were into the import scene from various "teams".

I would go straight American History X on thier asses if I caught them.
yeah I live in hick ass everett, washing and the day we pulled my bros ghetto ass mazda 626 out of the garage from when we were done putting the system in, that night everything was gone. but yeah I kind of thank the dumb asses that steal shit and get caught because some owners are even stupider like the guy who had my car before me. it is a stolen recovery but he is so poor when they found it he couldn't get it out because he spent the last of his money paying off the stuff that once was on it(gay body kit). The perps that got caught and stole the car tagged their name on the bumper mounts and under the h00d. Whte ghett0 boys, they called them selves, even tagged where the spare tire was and yet I found so much stuff in the car that was useful like 10 old issues of import tuner, and like 10 fricking star wars books,3 haynes manuals, and like 20 ft of fricking rice rice baby silicone tubing. funny as hell I thought.
Man what a tool.

I don't think I would ever buy a stolen recovery though. Like I mentioned aboved that my moms old accord was stolen, when she got it back it was fucked up.

Like all of the carpets had been torn up (probably a drug search by the cops), the seats were all fubared and it had a lot of other things wrong with it. Thats why the insurance company decided to total it in the end.. it wasnt worth it anymore and my mom didn't even want it after all that happened to it.
Originally posted by Hexen@Feb 7 2003, 01:04 AM
I would go straight American History X on thier asses if I caught them.

"you hear me talking to you hillbilly boy?I ain't through with you by a damn sight.I'm gonna get medievel on yo ass"
well for my car I traded like an 89 integra stolen recovery, a nissan maxima stolen recovery, and 2 boston rallty series 12's in a qlogic bandpass box....I worked for a towing company, apprentice to a mechanice so I got paid in a 89integra pos, and my mom had a nissan that she bought as a stolen recovery so trust it was well worth it for me.
Originally posted by Slammed89Integra@Feb 7 2003, 01:44 AM
....I worked for a towing company, apprentice to a mechanice

Hope fully not a towing company that steals peoples cars because they are parked in the wring spot :angry:
shit meng, i live in Vacaville !!@!!! :( sorry to hear about that hexen, good thing my car looks like a beater right now :D
Fortunately living in the middle of nowhere means few thieves. Still, I'm getting an alarm system soon.
Originally posted by Hexen@Feb 6 2003, 05:28 PM
Well after a few threads about cars being broken into, and me being very thankfull that mine had never had this happen to it...

That all changed Saturday night.
I was staying at my girlfriends house that night because we went to a little house party get together thing... got home about 1:30 in the morning, partied a little more after we got home and went to sleep.

MrBlk was with me that night and he was crashing there too, so in the morning he went out to my car to get his cellphone, and low and behold my drivers side rear quarter-window had a chunk of concrete about the size of a football thrown though it.

My laptop case was what they were after. Although my laptop was not in it (it doesnt work right now, so it was at home), however I was using the case as a backpack for college. They stole the case and it had some of my books and binders / misc. school things in it, but thats it.
They didn't even open the door to get inside, just grabbed the bag though the window and took off.

I don't really understand how I didn't hear it, I was probably sleeping 15 feet from where it happened right next to a window, and she lives in a private neighborhood, so i figure it was one of the neighbors (all college students).

End Cost: $150 for new books, $70 for a new laptop case if i get one, $200 for the window.
Not enough to bother to tell the insurance about (wouldnt have even been more than the deductable.)

Part 2:

Last night I went over to my moms house and was talking to her about some things, including what happened to my car.
She had her early 90's accord stolen about 3 years ago.

When they caught the guy (after a few months) he was still driving it around.
The Insurance company totaled her car because it had been stolen for so long, the guy served LESS THAN A WEEK in jail and had to pay my mom $700 for the loss of her personal belongings in the car.


She had her new Civic broken into last night after I talked to her. It seems like they jimmyed the window down enough to unlock the door (somehow without breaking it.) They tore apart the steering column and tried to get it started, but were unsuccessfull. She called the cops (it was 5am, when she goes to work) and they told her to call back in a bit after the morning dew went away and they would send out fingerprint people.. so they did. They think they got a couple good prints from it.
She had to have her car towed to the Honda dealer to get her window and steering column replaced.

hexen makes mad face :angry: . Fuck thieves.


This is a perfect case where the current trend in our legislation is fucking us all. All this gun control is bullshit. Punk asses would think twice about smashing a window for a few bits of crap if more people utilized they're second ammendment rights.

I'm not saying you should shoot someone over a car. But if they break into your house, you can shoot them without asking questions under most state law. It would just be a general deterrent.

Everyone take a lesson from this. Get saftety and tactics educated. Get a permit. Use your second ammendment rights, and only vote for politicians who are like-minded. :angry: :angry: :angry:
A lot of the states laws are. you can not shoot someone without them posing a threat to you or your family. So, if someome broke in, you can't shoot them unless they threaten your life.

I have a handgun and carry it with me, here, when i'm pulled over, i tell them i have it and they just take it and blah balh with me and then give it back, but I live in backwoods Oklahoma.
Originally posted by endlesszeal@Feb 6 2003, 06:47 PM
some what irrelevant... I was watching judge joe brown and some asian kid got caught stealing some ugly girl with braces' car, "project crx." she was suing for like $10,000 and kid said didnt need to pay back because he "was" a minor when the incident happened and "served his time" in juvinelle detention. like 2 months.. :angry: in the end he had to pay.

anyway, a day or so after that, my buddy calls me up and says, "oh snap dude, we found out who stole your car because we're staring at your parts right now." i was overjoyed.. my friend was looking for parts for his eg6 with an LS swap, which is what i had, and he heard about the guys and decided to take a look..he question them about where and how they got the parts.. description fitted me.. anyhow, heres the bad news.. "but damn dude, its Team Lethal along with some Laotion punks." i suddenly turned pale.. i don't know if you know who Team Lethal are Hexen, but their a "racing team" who likes to steal other people's cars and put it on theirs.. their from the sacramento-davis area also..couldve been the perps that stole ur laptop case and stuff.. and that certain "racing team" are all alleged gang members and not that kind that talks the talk, but not walk the walk.. i've lived down in sac for a year or so and kno whats up..

so heres the question.. a) turn em in? its been a year but im sure its still a "live" case.. and risk the chance of getting shot at and putting my family in harm.. i.e. drive bys since they kno where i live cuz the car was stolen infront of my house.. or B) just forget about it and leave it be; and pray to God something terrible happens to them?

thanks for the input in advance.. and oh yeah sorrie about your car hexen.. thats friggin gay how they smashed ur window.. ghetto thieves?? (Team Lethal???) <_<

Dammit...I just read on down.

Fuck theives, fuck punkass gangsta boyracer wannabes. The fucking legal system is broken. It is a lopsided world where the legislation is against law-abiding citizens. Get educated, get a permit, own a gun.

If everyone would quit blindly following and adhere to the ideals the founders of this nation laid down, there would be a LOT less crime.

Nuff said...climbing down from the soapbox.