timewarp thread (put blast from the past crap here)

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The Princess Bride, Soliel Moon Frye, Penny from Inspector Gadget, Contra first level, Yogi Bear cartoon, Bionic Commando, Mega Man one?, Blaster Master and last but not least, blowing into your freakin' Nintendo game to get the damn thing to work. haha! Mike, you just made my day. Rep! :D

EDIT: Holy crap! I didn't notice you had done more than just one page. haha
wow mike... almost 3 pages of solid post whoring.... nicely done :lmao:
:lmao: awesome! forgot about that....how the hell i don't know...
Thank you! :thumbsup: I was actually looking it up. haha

No prob. Sorry for being a game nazi :) I'm a MegaMan nut... got a GB Pocket with Megaman 5 in my pocket right now :D

My buddy... my buddy... my buddy... my buddy... where ever I go... he goes!